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Y/N's pov: 

The Doctor was frozen on the spot as he sees the gruesome sight, i see Olsen wide eyed in disbelief and i shook her. 

" hey! stay focus Olsen! " i looked at her and she nodded preparing her rifle pointing at the glass wall. 

i approach the Doctor on whats happening. 

" what the fuck is happening doc?!? is this suppose to happen?!" i towered over the doctor and he was just looking at the glass as the rabbit morphed into something...else....

" n-no....t-this cant be happening..i-i-i know i did everything right! we did everything right!" the  doctor was going hysterical as he sees the rabbit biting the doctors inside the room.

" get your shit together doc! what do you mean this wasnt suppose to happen?!" i said looking through the glass wall pointing the rifle over it. 

" w-we got a sample of a dead human DNA as an example to test out the serum a-and we had this specimen that heals itself whenever its close to dying s-so we got a blood sample of that specimen and put it in the DNA we took and i-it was succesful! a-and we injected it in the dead rabbit and the rabbit was okay....after i left i got a news that when they got a sample over the rabbit's blood...it didnt repair anything...i-it turned into something else....it rewired everything and turned the rabbit into a flesh-eating animal...." the doctor finished and my blood was boiling in anger. 

" and youre just telling us this shit now?!? what the fuck were you thinking?!???" i grabbed the doctor's collar and raised him up.

" i didnt mean to! i-i-i im sorry! " i dropped him down as i see the bitten doctors going back to life, they look dead but theyre growling at us like their animals of some sort. 

" doc....tell me where's the serum now." olsen and me stepped backwards slowly pulling the doctors with us. 

" t-the serum is just left through this corridor inside a laboratory...we need it to find a cure.." the doctor said and i nodded. 

" brie....gal...get in position....this is bad.." the bitten doctors were walking towards us growling loudly. 

"whats wrong Y/N?" gal ask seriously and i responded. 

" you guys are not gonna believe this....but...we are face with..zombies..." 

" what? youre joking right?" michelle asked not believing my word.

" i dont joke with this type of shit! " i shouted and the zombies started to run towards us i pulled the doctor with me as we ran to the laboratory. 

" mayday! mayday! we need backup now! this isnt a joke! zombies are running towards us! we need backup now!" Olsen said in her earpiece as i turned and fired towards the zombies. 

" shots fired! shots fired! backup needed fucking now!" the zombies went down one by one but they keep multiplying 

" shit theres too many! we need to run!" olsen nodded and i dragged the doctor to the laboratory as he swiped his card inside the laboratory.

" move fast doc or were gonna get bitten here!" i said firing at the zombies.

" shit Y/N wasnt lying zombies are coming here as i speak!" brie said as i hear gunshots firing through the comms. 

" Nat! Michelle! come in here now!" i said reloading my gun and kept firing at the zombies. 

" Y/N! im running out of ammos!" olsen shouted at me.

fuck this is not what we were expecting. 

" doc hurry your fucking ass now! " the doc took 10 serums and put it inside a briefcase and close the laboratory, " okay lets go." said the doctor. 

" where's the exit?" i shouted and the doctor led us through a flight of stairs. 

i looked at the emergency box and there was an ax in there i broke the glass and took the ax and used it as a barricade on the door and ran down with olsen and doctor kent.

" brie! gal! copy! where are you?!?" i said in the comms as were running down the stairs. 

" copy, going outside the building, but Y/N the zombies are too many now..we cant stop it....we need to evacuate!" brie said through the comms and just as i was about to reply the barricade broke and the zombies were running through the door. 


" move! move! move! lets go! we got zombies on our tail!" we opened a door and we were on the ground and as we opened it, zombies were everywhere biting every human living in sight i grabbed the doctor and pulled him out the building, nat and everyone else is inside the truck and i hand the doctor and olsen first when suddenly a zombie tackled me to the ground sending me off the truck. 

the zombie snarled at me and i held his body away from me. 

" fuck you stink!" i took out my knife and pushed it through his head and blood splashed all over my face and i threw his body and ran for the truck and got in and tap the truck to drive, the zombies chased us and they kept firing at them until they couldnt reach us. 

Nat hurriedly look at my face and inspected it, " are you okay Y/N?! did you get bitten???" i wiped my face and made a disgust look.

" the only thing biting me is Yelena being an ass." Nat sighed in relief and hugged me tight. 

" i thought you were bitten.." she said as i hug her back chuckling. 

" you wont get rid of me that easily.." i patted her shoulder and i stood up and look at them and they were all just as surprise as i am and i looked at the doctor. 

" you...you fucking did this!" nat and yelena held me as i tried to approach the doctor who was shaken up as  i am. 

" i -i - i didnt know it was gonna come out like this i swear!" the doctor practically beg as he sees all the girls here pissed as i am. 

" you better find a cure for this shit cause if you dont have one? im handing your ass to those fucking zombies cause this is all your doing! now were gonna lose a whole lot of people for this fucking experiment of yours!" i spat at him and they made me sit down to calm me. 

i called the general with the situation and they were doing a quarantine to prevent the zombie outbreak from going haywire.

" take the doctor here in base camp and well go from there Y/N." said the general.

" yes sir, were en route as we speak." i said my goodbye and looked at the streets of people running and begging for help, i turned my face out of the scene and i close my eyes to prevent myself from crying.

what has this city become........

Lost Constellations: Dying Embers, Undying Love ( Y/N x Hailee Steinfeld )Where stories live. Discover now