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Y/N's pov: 

we arrive at the base camp but something was wrong...it was too....odd....i told the truck driver to stop first, 

" hey whats wrong?" olsen asked and i look at the area and it was indeed deserted. 

" its too quiet dont you think? even at this proximity there should be soldiers guarding the base camp meters away from there. but theres no one." i said to olsen and it got everyone's attention.

" you're right Y/N, its unusual. " gal said and i prepare my gun. 

" what should we do?" jennifer ask and i look at them. 

" here's what we'll do, gal, yelena, jennifer, and me will check the base camp while Nat, Michelle Brie and Olsen guard the civilian and the doctor, especially him we need him alive." they all nodded and yelena, jennifer and gal got down the truck and i went after. 

" you guys be careful okay? " nat said and i nodded. 

" put the guns on standby, shoot anything that isnt human." i point my gun straight and slowly walk forward the gate of the base camp. 

i opened it and i was met with no one. 

"my god...." jennifer said and we approach the ground and it was full of blood and dead bodies of soldiers and zombies. 

" suka....they got attacked...." yelena said and i was still on guard, " put silencers on your guns we dont wanna attract anymore zombies." they nodded and attach their silencers in. 

i approach the general's tent slowly and it was worse in there, soldiers half-eaten and zombies dead, jennifer almost puke at the sight and i grimace at the smell. 

please leave any clues for us.....

i turn on the radio and a voice came in. 

" hello, this is the general speaking, if you hear this that means we've escaped from the zombies and are transferring to another location up in the mountains, you'll see in the map on the red dot we put that's where we are. this is a safe spot for survivors and soldiers alike till we find a cure. to anyone listening to this, stay safe. locate that place and come to us. " the record cut off and i sigh in frustration. 

" fuck...now what..thats 1000 miles away from here and we are running out of ammos. " gal said and i look around for more clues then i remembered what the general told me years ago.

i frantically look around for a small record box that he told me whenever this kind of things happen. 

"what are you doing Y/N?" yelena asked me as i look through every side of the tent and i found it. 

" a trick that the general told me in case of any kind of trouble happens, he knows that if he says it all in that recordings bandits might go." i played the small recording and it works. 

" hello. if this is Raven listen to me. the red dot isnt the exact location of our camp, it is only a diversion for the bandits.  our location is the one we circled. the ammos are hidden behind those big rocks for you and the other ladies, med kits, grenades, everything you need for the ride. stay safe. we will be expecting you to arrive in a week." the recorder cut off

and surely enough everything the general told us of the supplies was there and i told gal to call the truck and park here so we can transfer all the necessities. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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Lost Constellations: Dying Embers, Undying Love ( Y/N x Hailee Steinfeld )Where stories live. Discover now