6. Second chance

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There's a short part in this chapter that's        Y/Ns POV then quickly goes back into Third person.

The only thing I like about Jack is that he avoids me, I like that he knows to go when in the same room as him. I like that he knows I hate him.

We both sit on the same page, we both don't know anything about our past lives, but we're both determined to find out.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think I remember my last life a bit more than nothing at all like him.

I don't really know how to explain it? But I can remember feelings? I think?

As soon as I saw Jack, I knew he was no good and that I was angry at him, so that must've meant I hated him. Which, unfortunately for me means he must've been someone I knew in life.

I don't know what he did to me, but it must've been something really bad if I still knew to hate him with all my memory wiped.

It was odd because I have tried to not hate him. I really have no idea who he is and it's unfair to hate someone for no reason.

But I just can't do it. My hearts tightens when he's there and I want nothing to do with him other than tell him off and pull at my hair. He just makes me angry and so I can't stand to look at him. How dare he.

That's what my mind comes to every time I see him.
How dare he.
The audacity he has.

And when I think to hard about it I start to hate myself too. Because what did he dare to do? Why don't I know? How is this fair?
Why won't my stupid Brain work and just let me remember?!

I despised him.
so why was I so terrified when he began to fly after Sandy? Why did my stomach suddenly knot with anxiety?


Y/N hated herself for it. She despised him yet the voice in her head was screaming at her to save him. WHY?!

Did she secretly care about Jack? If so she was incredibly disgusted with herself and kinda wanted to break down and cry because of it.

Despite not knowing Sandy for that long, Y/N joined the guardians, the elves and the yetis for a small memorial.

She stood around the candle light with the Yetis.

Jack had gone off somewhere else to sulk. And once North left to cheer him up. Y/N walked back to the Globe Area and sat around in the small hallway that led up to it with Tooth and Bunny in silence.

When Jack and North were coming back from his study, she saw Jack shifting his direction towards her.

So much for hoping he'd ignore what happened.

She mentally groaned, hung her head back and rolled her eyes as she turned away to avoid him.

But he caught up. "Wait Y/N-"

"Jack forget it. Actually. Just drop it. Forget it happened."

Jacks gaze softened sadly and defeatedly. "I was just going to say thank you."

Y/N turned around to him angrily. "Let me make this clear. We are not friends" She snapped. Jack rolled his eyes.
"Don't thank me for anything a normal decent person would do."

That's set Jack off for some reason and he glared at her angrily and his chest bubbled with a new found rage.
"Good! Because I wasn't trying to become your friend!" Jack said frustratedly. They both glared at each other as they walked, only turning away from each other when the guardians started to speak.

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