1. Messy start

549 19 26

Y/N thrashed around and cursed loudly inside of the sac she was currently being manhandled in.

For someone who seemed joyful and in a carefree mood all the time, she had a very quick temper.

She had just previously been enjoying a haunted house horror game at a carnival, following two children who of course, weren't able to see her.

Until they made it to the end, and Y/N had this sac thrown over her head.

She landed with a thud, only just protecting her head from hitting the floor with her palm.

"Ha on naughty list! You second place!"

That voice sounded like it could have been North, but it Y/N wasn't so sure cause it's not like she ran into North much and had conversations with him.

"Second?!" Jack replied to North in offence, dropping his staff off of his shoulders. "To who?"

Y/N climbed out of the bag now, shoving away the yetis who wanted to help.
She dusted off her shoulder and looked up to the group.

The Yetis standing in front of her stepped to the side.

And Jack, whose back was facing Y/N, slowly turned around.
Both their eyes widened as they locked eyes.

"To her!" North said cheerfully. "The April Fool!"

Jacks mouth was slight agape, as was Y/Ns.

They both immediately turned back around to not face each other and tried to run away, but Yetis pulled them back.

"Don't touch me! Let me go-" Jack grunted in their grasp, struggling to free himself.

"Get me out of here!" Y/N said through grunts, she had a bit more success than Jack. She was pushing on a yetis face who was shrieking in response, but still, she wasn't let go.

"What... is going on here?" Tooth asked to Bunny and Sandy in confusion as North was now trying to pull Y/N off the yeti.

"Okay- okay- easy..." North mumbled as he finally got ahold of Y/N, grabbing her by the torso and she tried to prey his hands off.

Jack was finally stood still, but a yeti did stand close by.
When Y/N finally behaved and stood still, she did do with a glare at Jack who was glaring right back.

North looked between them awkwardly. "I... assume you already know each other?"

"Unfortunately." Jack muttered, still glaring.

"I hate him."

Jack nodded to the ground, his lips pressed together  as Y/N announced that.

Bunny's eyes widened subtly in surprise, he and Tooth shared a glance.

"Well now that's about to change." North smirked.

Y/Ns face scrunched, she and Jack surprisingly shared the same confused look.
"How come?" Jack asked North.

"How come? I tell you how come!" He began excitedly. It's like he didn't care at all about  their feelings to eachother.
"Because now you are guardians! You have to like eachother!"

The yetis behind North raised torches in celebration, the elves running around the place forced Jack and Y/N into each other as the ran for them.

Once they were close enough ran elf ran between them and jumped to reach their hands, forcing them into eacborhers.

But the two quickly looked to the interlocked hands, then to eachother before quickly pulling away in disgust and shrieking.

HATRED (Jack Frost x reader) Where stories live. Discover now