2. Tooth palace

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North loudly bustled through the doors, ordering the yetis to get the sleigh ready.

Y/N chuckled excitedly, jogging quite closely from behind him.

"I told you I'm not going with you guys!" Jack called from behind.

Y/N felt conflicted cause she wanted to tell Jack that literally no one was holding him back from leaving right now, but she also didn't want to talk to him.

So she ended up just ignoring it.
"There is no way I'm climbing into some rickety old..." he trailed off silently as he watched two yetis open up large doors for the sleigh to move through. "Sleigh.."

Six reindeers pulled the sleigh out, almost trampling over Jack who shrieked and stepped back with a chuckle.
But his laughter stopped once he actually looked at the sleigh. It definitely wasn't "Rickey and old" but instead was grand and  freshly painted.

North crossed his hands and glanced at Jack with a smirk who was staring in awe.
"O-Kay. One ride but that's it." Jack said bluntly, not taking his eyes off the sleigh as he went to approach it.

Y/N excitedly went for it too, but was halted by Jack who was also about to climb in, the eyes were blocking each-others paths.
They stood silently for a short moment, staring at eachother blankly.

"Uh... ladies first?" Jack offered with a hesitant smile, stepping back.

Y/N gave him a dirty look before getting in, Jack sighed defeatedly and went in after, making sure to leave as much space as he could behind himself and Y/N.

"Everyone loves the sleigh." North hummed to himself as he got in, taking hold of the reigns.
"Bunny! What are you waiting for?"

"I think my tunnels might be safer mate" bunny gulped at tapped the side of Norths sleigh with his food. "And um- safer."
He turned away but North brushed him off and forced him in, grabbing on the straps bunny wore over his back.

"Buckle up!"

"Woah woah woah! Where are the bloody seatbelts?!"
Both Y/N and Jack smirked at Bunny.

"Ha! That was just expression. Are we ready?"

A yeti practically shrieked that they weren't, by North didn't care.
"Good. Let's go! Clear!"

The sleigh started to move, causing everyone to slightly fall back.
Bunny shrieked, his nails clawing into the sides of the sleigh.

"Out the way!"

North took them down the ice tunnel which was very dark, Y/N threw her hands in the air as Bunny continued to scream.

North laughed manically as they twirled around and took harsh corners, Bunny was still screaming.

"This is so much better then last time I was on this thing!" Y/N blurted out happily as she let her hair fly around everywhere.

"Last time?" North questioned. "You've never been on the sleigh!"

"Don't worry about it." Y/N replied casually, eyes closed as she still held her hands in the air.

North only chuckled slightly. "I hope you like the loopty-loops." He sang as they were now upside down.

Bunny gulped. "I hope you like carrots."

Sandy also now threw his hands in the air.
"Here we go!"

They came to the end of the ice sledge before they took off and were now flying through the sky.
"Wooohooo! Blast off!" North yelled as he did another loop in the air.

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