3. Collecting the teeth

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I'm so bored. I don't know what new stories to write. I want to feel really excited for something again.

This movie and Epic are connected. ROTG is in honour of someone's daughter who died from cancer, and MK from epic is a character in honour of that girl as well ( Katherine) and she wears the pink hoodie BECAUSE JACK WEARS A HOODIE. Interesting right?

"Hey tooth.." Y/N said softly as she went to sit by her, she sat in her knees and put a hand over Tooth's back. "I'm sorry about all the tooth fairies, but we will get them back."

Tooth looked up to Y/N and smiled back gently. "You should have seen them, they put up such a fight." Tooth said proudly.

Y/N smiled again, "Why did Pitch want the teeth?"
Baby tooth had flown around Jacks head.

Taking a deep breath in of annoyance was she say Jack was near her, Y/N stood up and walked to the other side of tooth. Jack chose to ignore her.

"It's not the teeth he wanted." Tooth shook her head as she held on of the children's tooth box. "It's the memories inside them."

"What do you mean?"

Y/N shivered, Jacks voice made her want to drown herself into the pond her hands were playing with.

"That's why we collect the teeth Jack. They hold the most important memories of childhood." Tooth answered.

This caught Y/Ns attention and she quickly got up too, flicking the water on her hands towards Jack who flinched and glared at Y/N in response who was now tailing after tooth.

"They can't lose their memory of childhood!" Y/N said in shock, flying beside Tooth as they stared at the mural of herself collecting children's teeth.

Jack was wiping his face with his sleeve before he followed the both of them.

"When someone needs to remember what's important, we help them." Tooth continued.

Y/N felt her one heart drop for all the kids as they gazed over the mural, childhood was something to cherish. Is she had the chance, she'd have loved to have one.

"We had everyone's here, yours too."

Y/N eyes widened as she turned to tooth. "Excuse me?!"

"M-my memories?" Jacks stuttered in thought before he looked to tooth As well.

"From when you guys were young, before you became Y/N fools and Jack Frost."

"WHAT?!" Y/N shrieked, grabbing onto Tooth's shoulders and turning Tooth to face her. "What do you mean from when I was young?!"

"I wasn't anyone before I was Jack Frost?!" Jack started back away into the little ice path he had made to walk across the pond.

"Of course you were!" Tooth said to Jack before turning to Y/N. "We were all someone before we were chosen."

"What?" Jack said softly in shock, Y/N grinned and giggled before embracing Tooth in a tight hug.

"This is so great!" Y/N cried, still hugging tooth. "I need to see those memories!"

"The night at the pond, I just.. I assumed are you saying, I had a life? Before that! With a home and a family?!" Jacks voice got louder with excitement as Y/N was still hyper doing circles around the place.

"You really don't remember?" Tooth squinted at him before glancing back at Y/N.

"All these years.. the Answers were right here! If I find my memories then I'll know why I'm here! You have to show me!" Jack flew up too and across to a small cliff.

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