5. Sandy "dies"

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Sandy and Jack continued to turn around Back to back as they became surrounded by nightmare horses in the middle of a street.
"Uhh... you take the ones of the left, I'll take the ones on the right?"
Jack looked down to Sandy nervously who cringed snack up towards him.

Pitch sat on one of the Horses as he made it step towards the front, Sandy and Jack stared up at him as Pitch smirked.

Sandy immediately formed whips and began to hit some horses back, Just as the sound if Norths sleigh flew overhead.

Both Pitch and Jack looked up towards it.

And then immediately after, the entire street lit up into flames, bringing their attention back down.

The only part that wasn't consumed in flames was the small area where Jack and Sandy stood.
gasped again and jumped off his horse to look back at it and to avoid the flames.

The horses neighed angrily within the flames as they most of them began to die down.
Jack and Sandy looked towards each other in confusion until Y/N stepped from the crowd, facing Pitch angrily.
"Pitch." She spat, glaring up at him through her eyebrows, fists clenched by her sides.

Pitch gritted his teeth angrily at her and sent another wave of horses to attack, distinguishing her previous flames from the gusts of wind they created when the flew down.

Everyone apart from Pitch stumbled against the new wind, Y/Ns hair flew over her face as she lost her balance for a quick second.
Jack held Y/Ns shoulder as she recovered out of instinct as he looked at the overwhelming amount of horses about to attack them.

Thinking quickly. Sandy grabbed hold of but Y/N and Jacks collars (Y/N quickly just shoved Jacks hand of f her) and propelled them into the sky as he rode a sand cloud.

Once they were high enough, Sandy swung them off and higher before they immediately attacked any nightmares coming for them.

Jack hit one away with his staff whilst blasting it as Y/N held out both her hand shot fire at another.

But this time, the rest of the guardians finally woke up and joined in on attacking the nightmares.

Y/N had now been chasing another nightmare, but suddenly, it had vanished before her and Jack appeared.

She was going to fast to stop and so, the two clashed into each other and let out shrieks.
Fortunately, Tooth had come to the rescue and got rid of at Least five that were near them whilst they tumbled.

Pitch joined them in the sky, leading more nightmares with him, bunny ran off the sleigh and started to make more disappear as he ran his boomerang through them as they fought on a roof as he made his way back onto the sleigh as it came around.

Y/N circled some portion of the sky, entrapping nightmares within before flying above the ring of fire and setting the whole circle ablaze.

Whilst that was happening, two horses came from Jack from either side.
So he quickly placed his limbs together and pencil dived so they'd run into each other.

However, as he was diving, another ran into him, causing his to drop his staff and actually Fall from the sky.

He struggled as he tried to grab hold of his staff, but once he had, Jack landed onto the wing of the sleigh with a loud thud.
He looked over to Bunny who gave him him a blank Smaug stare.
"You might want to duck."

Jacks face fell slightly before he turned around, seeing a sizzling sparkle head straight for his face.
He quickly ducked and the firework went straight over his head, straight over Bunny's and too the other side of the sleigh were it hit a nightmare that just came up.

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