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I couldn't decided between one dress or another, trading pairs and pairs of shoes just to make the right look for my first date with Willy

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I couldn't decided between one dress or another, trading pairs and pairs of shoes just to make the right look for my first date with Willy. To say I was nervous, was an understatement. It was my first, real date with someone who had quickly become a huge part of my life. The way we met was by pure chance, having bumped into one another on one of his excursions around town to sell his delectable chocolates to the public in the Galerie. I, being one of them. But for some reason, I found myself going back to get more. But not really. It was just to see his sweet face. Eventually, we both broke down and asked at the same time if the other wanted to go on a date. I obviously didn't oblige, saying yes rather quickly.

"You look stunning...." I jumped a little from the sudden presence of Willy behind me, not once hearing him come through the front door, having been so tuned in to my thoughts of him, as always.

"And so do you Willy." I said with a slight blush upon my cheeks, glad I finally decided on an outfit before he entered the house and found me naked in between dresses. Now that would have been a completely different experience.

"How did I get so lucky?" I could barely contain my swooning heart from his soft, spoken words, the mere way he was gazing upon me enough to send me into a loving state of mind.

"More like, how did I?" That question lingered in my mind from the minute we left my house, to the minute we reached the beautiful restaurant he wanted to bring me to that I could never afford to eat at before, but merely gazed upon it in town. He pulled my seat out for me to sit, gently pushing me underneath before taking his own seat across from me, his warm smile making my heart pick up the pace.

"Hello and welcome to The Ritz. I'm Chani and I'll be your waitress for the evening. What can I get you?" I smiled up at the lady with so much happiness, it quickly becoming clear what I was doing for the first time since we went out. I'm actually on a date. And with the most amazing man I've ever met in my entire life.

"Well we definitely want something chocolate!" Willy chuckled from my words, Chani not getting it, but smiling none the less as we gave her our dinner orders for the evening, both of us ordering fettuccine, then chocolate cake as dessert.

"You do know it won't be as amazing as your chocolate Willy. You're the true candy man of the Galerie." He seemed taken back by my sincerity, but humbled by the mere gesture. He was so sweet, I swear.

"You're too kind to me (Y/N). That's why I like you so much." We couldn't look away from one another the entire time we enjoyed our dinner, talking about anything and everything we could possibly think of, enjoying each other's company. We simply forgot everyone around us.

"Willy? I just want you to know how much you mean to me. Tonight has been absolutely amazing, and I want more nights and days like this, with you. I don't just like you...." And as if he was reading my mind, he took my hands in his with the sweetest smile imaginable, one that made my stomach flutter.

"I love you...." We both said in unison, surprising one another from the admission of our feelings for one another. But knowing this is where we were meant to be, and what we were meant to say. It happened so quickly, but I just knew he was the one for me. After dinner, we walked around the Galerie at night with hardly anyone around, hand in hand and hearts beating as one. It felt truly magical.

"I wish this night would never end. It's been everything I could ever dream of." With shared feelings, he suddenly handed me something he produced from within his hat he had quickly taken off, a heart shaped necklace that when opened, showed our first picture together, one I'll always cherish. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him from the amazing gift, the most love filled kiss in existence. The moonlight shown down upon us as the perfect spotlight, our arms tangled around one another as if we had been meant to be in this spot our entire lives.

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