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"𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲"

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"𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲"

Mira had been laying on the sofa and watching a boring-ass movie for the past 40 minutes. She expected Kaiser to return after a bit, but now it was obvious that something had happened.

The ravenette jumped to her feet and walked over to the closed door at the end of the hall.

She slowly opened the door and peaked into the pitch black room. Why is it so fucking dark in here?

She searched for a light switch, blindly tapping the wall beside the door. What the fuck? Where is it??

She was about to give up when she tripped over something and coincidently ended up bumping into the switch. The lights flicked on as the girl smiled in success.

She finally got a good look at the room and almost jumped at the sight infront of her.

The blonde vampire was looking at her with a death glare. His hair looked so messy that she couldn't help but chuckle. She placed a hand on her mouth and looked away.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked as Mira snorted. "Why does your hair look like that?" She continued to laugh earing an annoyed sigh from him.

"Like what?"

"Like your pillow exploded!!" She burst out laughing, clutching her stomach in pain. She stopped after a while, since Kaiser did not look like he was in the mood for games.

"Can you leave now?"

He asked and only now did the girl notice his raspy and low voice. She raised a brow and finally realized what he was doing in the room.

"Ooooooh, Were you taking a nap?" She asked and got a pillow thown at her face.

The ravenette chuckled and raised her hands in surrender. "I'm gonna say it again, leave."

He said annoyed and layed back down on his side. He placed the blanket over his head and ignored her completely. "Hey! That's mean, what if I also wanna sleep?"

Mira asked with a pout and stepped towards the bed.

"I don't care, go sleep in the bathroom or something."

Kaiser spat making her huff in anger. She turned off the light and closed the door to make it seem like she left. Then she jumped on the bed with a bellyflop, almost landing on the tired vampire.

The blonde sat up angrily and glared at her. "I told you to leave." He said, however he looked infront of him, since the room was too dark to even see anything.

The girl scoffed loudly and got comfortable on the bed. "I'm sleeping here wheather you like it or not." She declared and snatched more than half the blanket from him.

Kaiser's jaw dropped a bit in shock, he didn't expect her to be this petty. He also huffed in anger and turned to lay on the other side of the bed.

He snatched the blanket back and hugged it tightly. "One wrong move and I'm kicking you out of the room." He said and closed his eyes.

A few minutes of complete silence later the vampire noticed Mira's strange behavior. He turned around and raised a brow in confusion. She was shivering.

"Are you cold?"

He asked without thinking and immediatrly regretted it. She didn't reply making him roll his eyes.

He scooted closer to her and snaked his arm around her waist from behind.

The ravenette instantly froze up. What in the world is happening? Her breathing quickened as she closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep to save herself from the emberrassment.

Her ears turned red in an instant when she felt his hot breath against her neck. HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!?

She thought and tried moving slightly away from his grasp. The vampire scoffed and pulled her back even closer, her back was pressed against his chest.

His hand remained firmly on her waist as he took a deep breath. That sent shiver's down the girl's spine. Is he trying to fucking kill me??? Gosh why is he so close!?

She mentally cursed as she felt her heartbeat increase.

"I can practically hear your nervousness. Your breathing is short, heartbeat fast and ears hot. Do I really have that effect on you?" Kaiser whispered teasingly and leaned closer to her neck.

Mira froze again. Flashbacks of him biting her neck and sucking her blood filled her mind. He's not planing to bite me, is he?

"Don't worry, I won't bite you... yet."

He spoke again, right on que. She was a bit shocked. Holy hell, he just read my mind.

The blonde smirked and thought of other ways to fluster her.

The ravenette flinched slightly when she felt his lips graze her skin. His lips are so warm, AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!?

She tightly shut her eyes and let out a shaky breath. Fuck... what do I do? Nothing will save me from this emberrassment.

Her blood ran cold when she heard Kaiser chuckling in her hair. "Gosh your reactions are priceless."

He said making her groan in annoyance. "Shut up, bloodsucker. You suck."

She spat and slapped his hands away. She scooted away and placed a pillow between them. Kaiser raised a brow and let out an amused laugh. "Are you serious right now? What is this, a romcom?"

She raised a middle finger at him and covered her body with the blanket.

He shook his head in disappointment and layed down. A few minutes later both of them were asleep on opposite sides of the bed.

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