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This chapter is dedicated to Feran_meee


I sat beside my sister, who was sitting between Trust and me. No one said anything aside from the occasional 'Amen' from the congregation as the pastor kept preaching on the altar. 

"God is determined to bring the devil's control over mankind to an end. He is determined to undo all damages done by Satan, and we can see that in Hebrew, two versus fourteen." I opened my Bible to the passage the pastor was referring to before writing it down in my notebook. "Now see what God says about Jesus. His son is the complete opposite of the devil. He isn't selfish; he isn't cruel. He will have pity on the lowly and the poor. He will rescue them from the oppression and violence of the wicked, and we can see that in Psalms seventy-two, thirteen to fourteen. Amen?"

"Amen!" Everyone exclaimed.

"You can see that it's from the Bible. I cannot lie, because God is not a liar. Hebrew six versus eighteen says, . . ."

I waited behind as I watched my sister greet the pastor. Sundays so far have been filled with this routine. She'd leave me with Trust to go greet the pastor before heading home. I played with my heels on the dusty sand as I watched kids running around. Anything to prevent me from talking to Trust.

"Happy Sunday," a woman passing by said.

"Happy Sunday, ma," I responded with a smile.

"You didn't tell your sister and me about what happened at your friend's party." My smile faltered. "I didn't know you were such a grown-up lady."

"Please stop." I turned to him. "You're sounding so disgusting, and if you don't stop, I'll tell my sister."

Trust laughed at my words and leaned on the hood of the car handed to him by my sister. "Debby loves me so much and will support me no matter what. You should stop trying to get her to turn against me. Besides, she won't even give you listening ears."

I clenched my jaw in anger, but the little kid dragging her father's huge hands got me to relax. "Ninety-nine days for the thief, one day for the owner. Karma is slowly knocking at your door."

I matched to the back door and opened it; at the same time, Trust decided to open his mouth. "Karma doesn't exist," he said, but I closed the door after that. Even the Bible states that everyone reaps what they sow. Who was he to say it didn't exist?


I dragged Kim out of class after she'd announced that the Data Processing teacher was absent from school. Though it was a free period because the teacher was absent, no one was to leave the class because it wasn't an official free period. I'd been tensed ever since Romeo greeted me in the morning, and every time, I'd always turn my head to his seat, only to see him sleeping in awkward positions. I just couldn't take it anymore; I needed to talk to someone.

"What is it?" Kim asked me in a worried tone. "What happened?"

I didn't stop until I'd dragged her to a corner, away from other students. I turned to Kim, exhaled, and said it in a hush. "It's Romeo."

Kim hissed at the mention of his name and turned, ready to head back to class. "Wait!" I moved to block her path. "This is serious."

"There's nothing about that boy that will ever concern me." She answered defiantly, "So just give up."

I closed my eyes to contain the anger boiling inside of me. "Need I remind you that you're the class rep? It's your job to look out for the students you're representing. They might not admit it, but they look up to you. They wait to listen to you, to let you lead them, as long as they're in the four corners of that classroom. Kim—"

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