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"Do you like flowers?" We were still driving nd I was pressing my brain to think of a good date. Because I can't mess up my only chance to score the perfect man god send for me. "Yes, I absolutely love plants but don't tell anyone." Can he be anymore perfect? Loves sweets, reads book, loves children and now loves plants too! "I think I know a place you will love." His face has a confused smile but still he nods while looking ahead. The pastries still in his lap untouched.

It was a 15 min route but we reached on right time as it was less crowded with barely 3-4 people around. "A nursery?" I heard him asking when I was unhooking my seat belt and for a moment I hesitated over my decision. Was it really a good idea? But decided not to think much and see. "Yes. A flower nursery to be exact. It's the biggest here and has many variety of flowers. So, I thought you might like it? We can go somewhere else if you want to!" I gave him the choice, now staring at his face for any reaction and when a smile broke onto his lips, I sighed in relief. 

"I love flowers, Taehyung. Of course I love this place!!" His nose scrunched with his wide smile as he looked at me then back at the entrance of the nursery. It's hard to believe he can be cute one minute and all hot and sexy the next. 

We spend two hours inside the nursery. It might be boring to some but for me, his excitement and happiness with each flower he found was worth every second I spend with him. I could never get enough of his lil gasps and squeaks he makes when he sees something he likes. 

"Others have their birth flower or some flower with special deep meaning as their favorite. But, I just simply like rose, is it wrong? I mean, I love flowers though I have no idea what each flower means. I have seen people being so....interested?" He frowned while caressing the petals of the red rose as he spoke as if it troubled him to depths. "Like, if they like flowers they will go on explaining why they like it or what the flower means. I sometimes feel dumb because I can't do that. I just like them in general, like how we like rainbows. For just existing." 

I listened to him before squatting beside him, looking at the roses he is admiring with an evident pout on his face. "You don't have to do a p. fucking. hd. in things you like, you know? Some things...are meant to be admired and liked without any reasons. You just cherish their presence in life as a gift. Your liking towards them would mean a lot more than your knowledge." It's stupid that some people feel the need to ace the field they like, or they generally like the things they are good at. 

You don't need to be good at it to enjoy it. You can enjoy dancing while being bad at it, it's the pleasure and fun you get from it that matters. 

A sigh left his lips before he turns to me with a mysterious look on his face. Almost resembling a seducer. "You are good with words." Before I can say something, he again spoke up. "Is it the same in bed?" I blink. Blink again. And once again as I try to understand his words before I got it. "You like dirty talking?" It was his turn to flush, cheeks turning apple red as he tried to look somewhere else. He is too shy for someone who made a bold move and started this conversation. "Wh-no that-" He looked so cute all embarrassed that I couldn't let go this chance. "So, you don't like dirty talking?" 

"I didn't say so!" 

"So, you do!?"

"No-I mean, yes!" A shy whiny sound escaped his lips as he tried to hide his face with his hands before saying something which wasn't much clearer to me. "What?" I asked again and this time I heard him loud and clear. "I said, I like to do the dirty talking." Oh. "You are....top?" I hope so cause though I work with guns and goons, I am a fucking pillow princess behind the doors. "Yeah...I know with a personality like me, you may think that I am a fucking bottom but believe me, I can knock you up hard enough for you to feel it for weeks." 

I must have malfunctioned inside because my next words were not what I wanted them to be. 

"I am looking for to it...let's see if you can keep your words, Mr. Jeon. I have met men who are all bark and no bite." As I said this, I noticed a small change in his expression. It turned a bit dazed and intimidating with his unwavering stare that I couldn't meet his eyes anymore as they were boring holes in my eyes, trying to read my soul. I had to pull my gaze away, now staring at the roses. Moments like this make me think under his goofy, cute self, is a very filthy man who has the power to bend me over his legs and spank me while making me count every hit.

He looked like he wanted to say something when my phone rang and cursing inwards I picked it up when I saw it was someone from the department. "What?...fine, I will be there in a moment." All the ice cream date plan melted in my head as I stared at my phone as if it would revive the dead man. "Everything alright?" Looking up at his soft, concerned gaze I felt myself nodding, "Yeah....just someone couldn't stay away from their issues for a moment. I mean, I wanted to enjoy my date but-" My words cut off as I felt him tugging at my wrist, pulling me to his chest as I stumbled over him. I could feel his heart, it was beating fast, really fast and I can't help but press myself more onto him to let him feel mine which was now beating just as fast as his. 

"Is this fine?" I didn't speak, just nodded in his chest, loving the warmth surrounding me. It would be obvious but I am deprived of hugs. So, I try my best to memorize each touch and warmth I am feeling right now. "You smell good." He muttered in my hair and if I could I would rub myself against him, purring like a kitten. 

Is it too much for a first date?

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