𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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Kill myself.

Im walking to my locker with Harper, who kindly offered to walk with me when i spot a familiar face at my locker.

My locker.

"What do you want" I groan at Cooper with Harper still standing next to me.

"I've come to tell you me and Em are together" Cooper puffs his just out chest, which i assume is him trying to be a dominant male.

It takes me a second to process his words before i respond "I don't really give a fuck" I know Im lying and the way Harper shifts next to me she knows Im lying too.

Cooper scoffs before looking me up and down, fucking pervert. "you'll wish we were still together" He lowers he's voice enough so it wont turn heads.

Harper takes a step in front of me before Im able to get another word out "how about you take your sorry ass threats and fuck off" She takes a mini step backwards inviting me to speak up anytime.

Coopers disgusted face looks at me a last time before turning around and finally walking off.

Finally being able to breath without feeling sick i turn to Harper "Im sorry about him, and im thankful you stood up for me"

Harpers smile widens as I reach in my locker grabbing out some useless but essential book "Look your one of the only people who can actually stand me, I feel like were gonna be great friends"

I give her a wide smile silently agreeing. I cant express how thankful i am she spoke to me at the party last night cause if she didn't i would be embarrassingly alone today.

"So what you gonna do?" Harpers voice pulled me out of my head.

I give her a confused look as we make our way to first period "what do you mean"

She returns the confused look i gave her and speaks up again "Cooper has literally fucked you over and is now trying to embarrass you in-front of the whole school"

I keep quiet not so sure what im gonna say and the look on Harpers face lets me know she understands.

Arriving at the stiff wooden door I look back at Harper after feeling a pause in my presence.

I throw her a confused face as she pleads with me through her eyes for some reason im yet to figure out.

Not knowing what to say i spit out some random reason "if you say you were having sex with my ex too ill stink bomb your car" i take a long noticeable breath.

Harper silently holds in a laugh quickly spitting out a sentence "Hell no, couldn't risk getting some of he's dick cheese" She gags visibly which causes me to snort. "I just needed to let you know I've got a free period, and as much fun as it would be to talk all period i really gotta finish this assessment" she finishes with a slightly guilty look in her eyes.

I offer her a bright smile "its perfectly fine, I was probably gonna look at the desk all lesson anyways" although being in a class without friends strikes up my anxiety Im not gonna ruin her free period because i have problems.

Harpers lips come together blowing out a light sigh "thank goodness, I really didn't know if you'd be okay" she brings her hands up wrapping them around her bag strap.

My smile that I offered her before stays on my face when i push out another sentence "Harper, Coopers a dick but i promise you Im okay" Harpers so fucking nice but the one thing i need right now is too not be treated like glass.

"Yeah your right I-" Shes cut off when the second bell rings through the school vibrating the walls silently "okay I have to go but meet me at the library after" Harper whispers loudly before scurrying  off down the hall.

I face towards the door stepping into the ice-cold classroom making my way to the back seat, slipping into the seat I throw my head on the wooden tables tempted to rest through the whole period.

I feel my jacket slowly slipping of my shoulders as I sit up straight in my seat upon hearing my teachers irritating voice.
God I can't stand this cunt and by the disgusted looks on everyone's face they can't stand him either.

Before I can rest my head on the desk again I feel a heavy push on the back of my neck, almost making me headbutt my desk.

I shoot my head around ready to tell this person to fuck off however when I turn around, I'm met with a familiar smirk.

"Are you fucking right?" I sneer at Hayden whose dimples are now showing. Can this ugly fucker do something with his life other than torment me?

Hayden's smile fades along with his dimples as he begins to talk "your fat heads in the way can you move" his voice grumbles ever so slightly, I'm sure if you were far away you wouldn't be able to hear it.

I scrunch up my face but begin looking around the room to see if there are any available seats, unfortunately for me the only free seat was laid right beside his.

"If you think I'm going to sit next to you for over an hour you should be a comedian" I scoff loudly, hope he feels like a fucking idiot.

Swiftly turning back around I feel another hard object encounter my head.

I turn back around so fast I wouldn't be surprised if I had whiplash "I'm so done with you, can you fucking stop" I whisper loudly so he listens but not loud enough for the teacher to hear.

Hayden's hooded eyes come in contact with mine "well maybe if you moved, I would fucking stop" he speaks firmly which I'm miserable to admit but intimidated me.

"Ok how many times will I have to repeat, I'm not going to sit next to you so can you just grow up and stop complaining" I finish standing my ground, can he please just shut up I plead in my head.

He brings his abnormally large hands at the top of his forehead before dragging them down his face with a groan. "Just fucking sit here" he gestures his hand to the desk beside him after he pulled he's hands away from his face. "I'll leave you alone if you just fucking listen" he raises his voice slightly towards the end.

I breath out facing forward in my seat It honestly cant be that bad, all im doing is sitting next to some dickhead its not the end of the world.

I shift in my seat slightly before gathering my books and slinging my bag over my shoulder as I make may way to the only free table "can you see probably now" I mock Haydens words still facing forward.

I feel him glaring at the side of my head responding with a silent mumble which I make out as 'shut the fuck up'.

My arms find there way crossed on my desk before my head lays in between them. I know I should probably pay attention considering my grades at the moment but my eyes are so sore I don't think I could lift them if I wanted.


guyssss i know i havent posted in like 5 months but my writers block is insane so pls forgive me. bruh tell me why im kinda tempted to change this to a mafia storyline.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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