𝟗. Family

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She couldn't sleep. What else was new? She kept thinking about Sean and Aaron and their family. She even thought about the two Snatcher's Voldemort had killed. Valentine was never one to turn away from ugly truths, but God, she really, really needed to sleep. She was hoping a distraction would be a good place to start.

Draco and Liam were dead to the world and Valentine risked getting out Olivia's diary. She'd stashed it in the bottom of her wardrobe the last time she'd had it out when she'd heard someone coming. Now, she was slipping it back out and creeping out the door. 

She went across the hall and into Draco's room. She lit a candle and settled into the armchair by the window. 

1992, October 9th, 

Val has always caused a little trouble for the teachers but this is something else entirely. And I can't believe I helped! What's more, I can't believe that I would do it again if Val asked! I should probably mention what we actually did and that was that we played a prank on Lockhart. Like a real, practical joke.  It was completely insane. It was like we got to be the Weasley twins for the day!

It was Val's idea naturally. Draco and I were reluctant to get involved but Leah and Blaze wouldn't take no for an answer. They were pretty much begging! I was just so afraid that we would get in trouble and that the school would tell my mother and she'd be upset with me but Val promised to take all the blame. Although, I think she sees it more like glory than blame. The worst they could do to her for something like this is detention or probation and she's never really seemed too bothered by any of that. Just annoyed of anything. 

Anyway, it was, naturally, Val's idea to steal from the Greenhouse and from Snape. She only took Liam with her, saying that he was the only one she could rely on not to panic if they got caught. I think that was probably a smart move. Leah, Draco and Blaze are kind of prone to panic and I don't think I'm too much better myself.

We waited in the boy's dorm for them to come back. I'd never been in the boy's dorm before but they really looked just like ours. Maybe a little messier perhaps. We had to write a love letter to Lockhart as part of the plan and I was fun in a weird way. Leah kept talking and walking about like she was Lockhart, winking at us and smiling as we read out parts of the letter. 

When Val and Liam got back, they had everything we needed and I helped Val make the potions. Well, lightly assisted really. She did most of the work but it's amazing to watch her! She's so quick and so on point! One glance at the instructions and she knows exactly what to do! I think she'd make a great Potion's Mistress but I don't think she would do so well teaching children. 

Val explained the plan in full and then we slept in the boy's dorm that night while Val finished the brewing. We went to breakfast and she timed everything so it would work perfectly. Leah, Liam, and I set up things in Lockhart's office. I was so nervous! He had even more pictures of himself in his office then he did in the class. It was actually kind of creepy to be watched by that many Lockhart's. We set up the letter, the potion Val had had us put in an unlabeled wine bottle. Then we both some of the powder she'd made on his hairbrush and in his face powder! I think Lockhart has more beauty products than Draco and Liam combined!

When Lockhart was coming back of breakfast, Draco came to warn us and we hid out in the hall until classes started. Lockhart was in his office for a really long time and the other students were wondering if something had happened. He was taking so long that even I was starting to think something had gone wrong, but then he came out. He was wearing gloves and had a scarf wrapped around his head, covering all of his hair and his face completely. He almost fell downstairs trying to get down and then ran into his desk, anyone. I felt kind of guilty for laughing but I couldn't help it.

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