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She was in the Lestrange Chateau. The large room around her was dark but she was certain that it was not one she had ever see before, regardless she knew where she was like a gut instinct. It coiled inside her stomach like a warning and yet she ignored it.

A hand came flying at Valentine, cracking her across the face. She stumbled back and fought to keep her footing. She could feel the sting on the apple of her cheek.

Bellatrix smiled.

"Oh, you poor girl. Did that hurt?" She asked like she as talking to a small child. "Hmm? "

"No." Valentine hissed through gritted teeth.

Bellatrix's smile dropped and she pulled her arm back, striking Valentine again.

This time was harder, rocking her head back and sending her towards the floor. Her hands shot out and she stopped herself, braced against the stone. She'd known it was coming but hadn't moved. Why hadn't she moved?

She rose her head, glaring through tangled curls, ready to tear into Bellatrix, but where the woman had been was now nothing but a wall with a large deer head-mounted upon it, glassy eyes dead and lifeless. The deer's mouth opened and it spoke.

"Did that hurt?" It asked.

"No." Valentine spat as she started dragging herself up on to her feet. Her cheek throbbed and anger rumbled inside her.

Before she could stand, a foot slammed into her back and her arms folded under her, chest now to the floor. The wind was knocked out of her and she coughed as she tried to suck in air.

"Did that hurt?" Asked Rodolphus, standing far above her, gaze impassive and cold.

"No!" She spat breathlessly, turning her head to him, baring her teeth like fangs.

But instead of Rodolphus, there sat a bloodhound, as dead and stuffed as the deers head. Whether or not the dog was going to speak as well remained to be seen as hands grabbed Valentine and pulled her onto her feet, not bothered by how she struggled.

Rabastan tutted and muttered to himself as he dusted her off. He brushed the hair from her face and sighed, shaking his head in mild disappointment, almost pityingly. He placed a hand on either of her shoulders.

"It will."


"It will hurt."

"It doesn't!"

"Not right now. But it will."

Then he shoved her back, sending her hurdling bark towards the floor and before she could hit it-


-she woke up. When Valentine opened her eyes, it felt they'd only been shut for ten minutes. In reality, she supposed it had been two or three hours. She raised a hand to her cheek. It was cold. A side effect of the frigid dungeon air.

Hmm. No snakes this time. I think I prefer snakes compared to a family reunion.

These dreams had become so commonplace in her life at this point that sometimes she hardly noticed them upon waking. What made this one stand out was how real it felt. Even the deer head and bloodhound were practically pulled straight from her memories of the Lestrange Chateau.

God, I'm over a thousand miles from the Chateau and the fucking place still won't leave me the hell alone.

Suddenly she heard a scuffle, a crash and a hiss from the other side of the room and bolted upright, ready for the worst.

NO MORE A PRETENDER~ {The Lestrange Daughter #3}Where stories live. Discover now