𝟏𝟑. Detention

192 13 4

TRIGGER WARNING: Contains non-graphic violence and torture.


Valentine had noticed Astoria Greengrass at breakfast that morning. She was a fifth-year student that since Valentine's fourth year, she'd had very little to do with. Astoria had been one of Nayden Andonov's victims and after Valentine had laid him out on his backside the first time, she'd made a point of thanking Valentine for doing so. That had been over three years ago now and Astoria had simply faded into the background of Valentine's life. She was just there, another upper-class Pureblood, the younger sister of Daphne Greengrass, who was in the same year as Valentine herself. All in all, she'd been largely irrelevant. Until that morning. 

At breakfast, Astoria had drifted from her own group of friends and had been talking with other Slytherins from all years. The expression she'd worn had been earnest but cautious. Whatever she was speaking about was important but not for everyone's ears. Group after group appeared to be quickly turning her away or acting like she wasn't even there. Whatever she was saying, was not being well received. It was surprising the things that Valentine noticed now that Harry was around. 

She saw Astoria frown as another group snubbed her and she looked about for someone else. Her gaze landed on Anna and Chloe, sitting together, talking softly. She seemed to steel herself for a moment before sliding into the spot beside Chloe.

The two older girls looked at her in confusion as she started to speak. They were too far away for Valentine to hear them but she could see their faces clearly. Chloe's mouth dropped open and Anna quickly gestured for Astoria to lower her voice even further.

Anna grabbed the younger girls arm and pulled her in closer, expression serious. They'd stayed like that for a few minutes before Chloe's head moved but an inch and her eyes met with Valentine's.

Chloe immediately startled and alerted the other girls. Now aware that they were being watched, Anna stood and motioned for Chloe and Astoria to follow.

Now, late in the afternoon, sitting the common room with the others, she was still thinking about it. We're these type of things more normal than she was assuming? Maybe she had just never really noticed? Or, more likely, her gut was right that this was something out of the ordinary. 

From what she knew of Astoria Greengrass, she was rather trivial in the grand scheme of things. Despite her families social standing, she wasn't a bully like Valentine and her friends. Even her sister Daphne, while not so open with her opinions like some others, mostly showed her disdain quietly from a distance. It just went to show that not all the Pureblooded families, even some of the more questionable ones, were so quick to hurt others.

Astoria had her own group of friends to keep to, none of whom were nobility from what Valentine was aware. She minded her own business and had never done anything to really catch Valentine's attention other than that single instance three years ago. It was no wonder that Valentine might not have noticed her doing such things before if that was really the case.

Valentine watched Astoria from across the common room. She sat with her back against the couches armrest, her legs slung over Draco's lap. Liam, Blaze, Leah and Ben were playing a rowdy game of cards, all sitting on the floor around the coffee table. Tulip was curled up in Leah's lap, fast asleep. Valentine wished she could have slept as easily as a cat. Twenty hours of rest per day sounded like exactly what she needed. 

Astoria was trying to talk to two sixth year boy's but was being met with what almost looked like fear. 

What in the world is she doing? I suppose that I could ask Anna and Chloe if I really need to...

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