𝟏𝟐. Propaganda

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TRIGGER WARNING; Suicidal thoughts.


If Amycus was been a questionable teacher, Alecto was going to be a fucking nightmare. The first thing she'd said as they filed in was 'Welcome to Muggle Studies. If I catch anyone misbehaving you'll wish you hadn't while you scream for your mummy'.

Valentine looked down at the blatant propaganda on her desk. The pamphlet read, 'MUD BLOODS AND THE DANGERS THEY POSE TO A PEACEFUL PURE BLOOD SOCIETY'. The urge to tear it apart coursed through her and twitched in her fingertips. It bore the Ministry's official stamp of approval. Alecto was going to teach them to hate Muggle Born's and it made Valentine's blood curdle.

The other students all looked around at one another in horror. Everyone knew that there were people who didn't approve of Muggle Born's but this was more than just disapproval. This was heartless discrimination plain and simple. At this age, they all knew better to just believe whatever they were told. Whatever was inside this pamphlet was utter lies. It wasn't fooling anyone and it was barely even trying to.

Valentine thought of those younger than her. The first years that had just come into this world. The children who hadn't even gotten here yet. Children like Willow and baby Jeremiah. What kind of world would be left of them should she fail?

Beside her, Draco flipped through his pamphlet, scanning the words. He didn't seem surprised, shocked or horrified. He also didn't seem smug or content. His face was an emotionless mask but his entire body was rigid.

In the desk in front of them, Leah had taken both her and Blaze's pamphlet and was folding them into something that Valentine couldn't make out. And in front of Leah and Blaze, sat Liam and Meriton.

This didn't just make Valentine of the younger generation, but of Professor Burbage who she'd witnessed murdered by Voldemort himself. She had devoted her entire life to informing students about Muggles, how they lived, how to blend in when needed, how the only difference between 'us and them' was magic. Overall, she had been a kind and fair woman. Perhaps not so kind to Valentine but she'd had more than enough reason for that. Now, this murderous psycho was in her place with the exact opposite of her intent.

"Turn to page one of your booklets." Said Alecto, leaning heavily against the blackboard. "And no speaking unless spoken to. If I want to hear anyone's voices I'll ask. For instance; you."

Alecto jabbed a finger in the direction of Lavender Brown.

"Me?" The poor girl practically squeaked.

"Didn't you hear me? Yes, you. The first page. Read it aloud."

Lavender nodded and held the pamphlet up to read from.

"Mud Blood's and the Dangers They Post to the Wizarding World: Although some in recent years have intended to taint the minds of others with fallacies of inherent equality between dangerous Mud Blood's and those with pure wizarding blood; these are all blasphemous lies."

Oh, fuck off.

"One such treacherous lie is that Mud Blood's obtained their magical abilities naturally without any external intervention. We of the Ministry of Magic, know this to be a horrendous falsehood. Magic can only be naturally inherited via magical parents and thus 'Muggle Born's' as some sympathetic yet misled persons might call them, cannot have obtained their abilities in any way that can be considered natural. Instead, the magic they claim to have has been stolen from those it rightly belongs to. This includes other such indicators they might use to try and falsely prove their wizardhoods, such as a wand or broom-"

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