𝟔. Villians

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Valentine's skin prickled as if the rage inside her was trying to break free, to depart its way to the surface through her pores. Valentine had felt a myriad of different emotions in her time and anger was certainly one of them. However, fury as strong as this was something reserved for scenes like her cousin bleeding out and crying on the floor or personally tormenting Leah beyond reconciliation.

It boiled and bubbled and threatened to eat her whole. She couldn't be with the others right now. She couldn't cause them more pain by simply being there. And so, she went to the first place on her mind. It seemed that even when Snape wasn't appearing in the nick of time, she was seeking it out anyway. She probably would have pondered longer on that thought if she hadn't been so damn angry. 

It was raining that late afternoon at Spinners End. It couldn't have been after five but the dark clouds had blocked out the sun almost completely. The rain wasn't particularly heavy, a slight drizzle if anything, but Valentine wasn't wearing her coat and her dress soaked up every droplet that touched her. 

She marched up the street, not bothering to skulk about in the alleys or watch every window she passed. It was raining and everyone was probably inside anyway and she was honestly too pissed to care. 

Stepping up to Snape's door and knocking, she didn't hesitate. This was her last haven, she realised. Hogwarts wasn't what it once was and seeing the band again was out of the question. This was the last place for her to go and last place anyone would ever look for her. 

When Snape didn't answer, she knocked again, harder this time. He was always home and she wouldn't let him pretend otherwise. When he finally answered, yanking open the four with a scowl, she didn't even give him the chance to ask what she was going here before she was pushing past him. Wormtail had been sent to Malfoy Manor sometime ago, something about him being in better service to Voldemort from there. Valentine was fairly certain that Snape was just sick of looking at him. Apparently having ones former bully under your thumb wasn't as vindicating as you might think. 

"You shouldn't be here." Snape shut the door with a growl.

"And yet, here I fucking stand." She snapped at him and made a beeline for the kitchen.

"You're angry." She could hear the frown in his voice.

"Not shit, Professor."

"Well, it can't concern me. We haven't spoken in days. And you're not injured from what I can see. So, what exactly are you doing here intruding on my space?"

Valentine didn't reply, yanking open cupboard after cupboard and leaving them open for Snape to wave shut with his wand. She found an apple sitting in the fridge and grabbed it with no amount of grace, ripping a bit out of it. 

Snape stood back watching her with mild irritation as she all but ransacked his kitchen. 

"Well?" He arched a brow at her. "Explain yourself so you can hurry up and leave."

"You're so accommodating." She rolled her eyes languidly, leaning against the sink. 

"It is not for me to be accommodating." He glared at her. "I'm being cautious as you should be."

"Oh, shove it. Who is going to look for me here?"

"And why exactly would anyone be looking for you?"

"Well, they wouldn't be if they know what's good for them but that's not the point." Valentine took another bite of the apple. "No one would ever assume I would come here."

Snape gritted his teeth, seemingly done with her dodging his simple question.

"Cut the vagueness, Lestrange. It doesn't suit you. Why are you here?"

NO MORE A PRETENDER~ {The Lestrange Daughter #3}Where stories live. Discover now