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"then see you later, arjuna"

"ji, bhrata dushasana"

To be honest, arjuna can't say that now it is okay as they all decided to work together though it was quite hard at first but now it seems to be daily routine, discussing, talk, work, practice and eating, there is nothing left that they all haven't done together. Walking through the corridor, arjuna can't help but to wonder if this 'is the place at which once they all fight with each other?'

"they would be invited too"

"yes, they are not too close but still are our neighbour rajya so we should maintain a good relation with them"

Arjuna heard voices making him come out of his thoughts as he look down from corridor railing to notice it is krishna and karna discussing about the guest invitation in coronation ceremony which is about to happen after a month.

It might look very normal from outside and arjuna has always thought if they both even love each other? is not like he doubt them, it is just he has always seen karna giving normal expressions to madhav just like he gave to others too which is not something a person do who love each other. At first he thought it is because of karna's nature of hiding his feelings which every warrior contains but unlike others karna has more strong one and seeing how he came to fight in the kurukshetra even after knowing about truth, he can't help but to thought if it is such his nature or they are in forced marriage.......for years.

But now his doubt is clear after observing them for few days. It was not stalking, it is just he didn't wanted any of them to be hurt - neither madhav nor karna so he just act on his overprotective, curious, detective instinct.

He noticed every single thing about them and damn was he not surprised. At first it was all normal until he started noticing more, the small lingering gazes karna and krishna gave each other whenever they are near yet far from each other. And if he wasn't surprised yet amused when he notice karna's ear going slightly red whenever his hand got intertwined by krishna's. At first he thought it is normal reaction for a person like Karna who does not like much skin-ship but then he notice that it only happen with krishna not with anyone else.

He felt himself chuckling every time when he sees the scene in front of him - of karna talking about something while krishna just keep looking at him with a soft gentle gaze and whenever karna notice it, he can't help but to give krishna a glare but the fondness can easily be notice in karna's eyes, making arjuna want to laugh more.

And of course he didn't forget that day no matter how much he try to, when he was walking through the corridor at night as he notice karna leaning against the railing while looking at moon, he thought to stop himself from ruining karna's alone time but froze when he saw krishna wrapping his hands around karna's torso while putting his chin on karna's shoulder as Karna just put his hands above krishna one before whispering something to him to which krishna also replied with a whisper. He only come out trance when karna took krishna by his hand to the room with krishna obediently following as he flushed, realising that he just indirectly come in between his jyeshth's and best friend's private time.

"you just can't listen to me!" Arjuna's thought got cut off by a yell as he look down to notice karna complaining while krishna giving a innocent smile to escape which of course did not work on karna as he turn around with a huff before walking inside while madhav practically run behind him to apologise or maybe persuade karna. It is laughable but then again, he had to say, this is the best couple pair he had ever seen.


"coming Bhrata Duryodhana!"


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