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The next day truly came out different for duryodhana and yudhishtir since now everyone in the palace is like



And it is different for each of them but still a familiarity by having their family together is good. It was all going smoothly until krishna suddenly came saying he has to leave for Dwarka now making all of them protest while he tries to make them understand but only Pitamah Bhisma was able to make them understand.

Arjuna can't help but to feel sad, well, he feel this every time whenever Madhav decide to go back but then again 'how could he not?' He watched everyone hugging and telling madhav to come back soon until his eyes caught karna as he thought if jyeshth is also surprised by this or madhav told him earlier or perhaps, karna has already guessed it. Whatever the reason is but still, now after a long time, after a long busy one month, they both could spend time together yet here krishna is leaving.

Sometimes it makes him wonder how would it be in Dwarka if karna went with krishna since he remembers how it was when he first came with subhadra to draupadi and then ulupi to them and then chitrangada. He hug madhav before he watch krishna hugging karna as they both part away. Despite krishna waving at all of them, arjuna can clearly see Krishna's eyes being stuck at karna while karna also wave back before turning away.

He can't help but to feel a need to hug his jyeshth, his best opponent after krishna left but before he could reach karna, ashwatthama already wrapped his arms around karna's shoulder. It might be jealousy that he is feeling that despite his urge to hug karna, he can't since he and karna has still hasn't talk properly but still he wish that he also has the guts to go and suddenly wrap his arms around karna without feeling hesitation and nervousness. Unexpectedly karna noticed arjuna staring at him as he wrapped his arm around arjuna's shoulder, pulling him closer while asking with concern.

"what happened?"

It should be arjuna's question but instead it came out from karna's mouth as arjuna shake his head before he also put his arm around karna while ashwatthama went running behind abhimanyu who just put flour on his hair, can't believe this boy is about to be father.


"Are you okay?"

Arjuna asked as he and karna walk in corridor to which karna nodded but arjuna wasn't having it so he again asked.

"I know it is hard for you to open your feelings to me since you hate me-"

"how many times do I have to tell you, I don't hate you, neither you nor anyone of you all!! I know I did take oath of defeating you in the war but it does not mean I loathe you, especially not after knowing the truth And I am not feeling sad, if you are talking about keshav, I knew about his departure from yesterday night"

Arjuna nodded, feeling happy that karna does not hate him or anything but then again he remember something as he ask.

"you suddenly turn around after madhav left-"

"I got something in my eye, listen we will meet each other soon so you don't have to worry-"

"you are my brother.........jyeshth brother"

Karna look at arjuna for a while before laughing heartily as he shake his head while looking down, unknown to arjuna's aww expression, who has never seen karna laughing genuinely.

"ok, you can worry but not too much. Let's meet the two maharaja, so that we can help them" Arjuna grinned, nodding as they both made their way towards yudhishtir and duryodhana who are currently hidden behind the pile of papers.

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