Leaving for Korea

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Author POV :-------------------------- * Reyansh mansion in Korea above 🔝*

Everyone is shocked b/c everyone knows how much Reyansh hates his mother and the fact that he got a call from her is equally shocking b/c from last 10 years she never came to meet him lest call him . 

She already broke every relation she had when she left for Korea and settled there .  

So , her sudden call is quite shocking for the whole family . 

Reyansh POV :----------------------- 

Grandpa  :  What do you mean Reyansh , explain it clearly .( commanding tone ) 

He asked me or more like ordered me o spill the details to him and i know i had to obey he is still the KING .

Reyansh  : I got her call when i was coming back from NY yesterday and she said that she is getting married to someone and i had to be present there as her Son . ; i said all this with my cold and emotionless voice but my face clearly showing how much rage i was in right now . 

All  : WHAT , she is getting married ( they all shouted at same time but me grandpa kept a neutral face , i know a King never shows his real emotion but still it's scary when you don't know what the other might be thinking ) .

Grandpa  :  You should go ( commanding tone ) .

Me  :  What do you mean by GO dadu , you know i hate her and you are telling me to go and watch her getting married to someone who is not DAD , who she left when he was is his last moments , how do you expect me to do that HUH , TELL ME . ( i said this slightly agitated and at last i shouted b/c i am losing it my anger is building up second by second , and even i don't know what i might do ) .

Grandpa : DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME ( he shouted and stayed silent as i know he is angry now ) you have to go and attend her wedding , just because you hate her doesn't mean you get escape your responsibilities . You will leave for Korea tomorrow end of discussion . This is an order .  

I was fuming at this point that i broke the glass i was holding and left from there to my wing b/c i know i already past the sane limit and i can't say what i might end up doing .

I quickly went to my personal gym and started punching the punching bag not even caring that my hand was injured . I just wanted to vent my anger on something and what's better than exhausting your body .

After 1 hour i stopped because the punching bag is no more , it broke and i am sweating like crazy my clothes sticking to my body showing my lean but perfect body but no one can see it as my wing is empty

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After 1 hour i stopped because the punching bag is no more , it broke and i am sweating like crazy my clothes sticking to my body showing my lean but perfect body but no one can see it as my wing is empty . 

" Because no one can know who i really am , not before i complete my revenge so WE all can live together AGAIN . " 

Time skip to Airport leaving for Korea :---------------------------

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