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After Reyansh and BTS settled in their Limo :

Reyansh was between Jungkook and Taehyung , everyone was silent no one spoke anything but then Reyansh broke the silence by saying ;

Reyansh :- What you saw there , it would be better if you don't say anything to my Mother . She will be worried . ( with his usual cold tone ) .

BTS thought for a while and then nodded , to which Reyansh gave them an understanding nod . But there was someone who asked what was in his mind since forever .

Jungkook :- Um Reyansh ( he started while hesitating a bit ) , I wanted to ask you that do you hate us ? ( he asked while showing his doe eyes ) .

BTS except Jungkook also turned towards Reyansh to know his answer .

Reyansh :- I don't hate you guys , it's just that suddenly you guys became my Step-Brothers , so i need time to adjust . ( he said sincerely ) .

Jin :- If it's like this then we can start by being friends and then Brothers . You can get used to us first . ( replied while giving him a reassuring smile ) .

Reyansh in Mind :- Who would have thought that the most Psycho mafia Group would be this caring , i know that they only kill bad persons and don't unnecessarily involve in bad things and even Mom loves them , so should i give them a chance .

While Reyansh was quiet and in deep thought , BTS thought that his silence meant that he wasn't interested in befriending them . Jungkook who was really excited immediately got sad and pouted which got Reyansh's attention and he internally cooed at the sight .

[ A/n : Don't get him ( Reyansh ) wrong , the sight was quite cute . As i have mentioned before they remain as normal college students outside their Mafia Works ]

Reyansh :- Ok then let's start by being friends , for starters you guys can call me Ansh if you want

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Reyansh :- Ok then let's start by being friends , for starters you guys can call me Ansh if you want . ( said with a smile on his face which stabbed BTS directly in the heart ) . And you ( pointing towards Jungkook , who got startled ) call me HYUNG too i am older than you . ( said while smiling towards Jungkook who immediately nodded his head like a good kid ) .

Jungkook :- Ok Hyung ( gave his bunny smile ) .

Then they reached Kim mansion where they are going to stay together for the next 6 months as after that they have to go India for Reyansh crowning ceremony .  

Kim mansion 

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Kim mansion 

As they reached the living room they saw Mr. Kim and Malini ( Reyansh mom ) sitting in the living room and chatting , BTS noticed that Mom was going to get up from her seat but didn't when met Reyansh eyes . They are confused about the relationship between them but don't say anything as they don't want to appear as nosy right now , so they will just observe them for now .

Mr. Kim :-  Welcome Reyansh , i hope my idiot sons didn't troubled you . ( he said with a fatherly smile ) .

Reyansh just hums and then looks around and sees maids doing their work .

Reyansh :- EVERYONE EXCEPT KIM FAMILY OUT . ( he roared to which everyone flinched , BTS were confused at this order of Reyansh but nevertheless nodded towards the head maid who was looking at them for the approval .) 

Just as everyone went out , the expressions on Reyansh face immediately changed from cold to a lovely smile , he immediately ran towards his Mom and picked her up and started spinning her , who just smile at her son's overly lovely antics . Seeing this BTS was shocked whereas Mr. Kim face showed that he already knew ..

Malini :- Ansh ( sweetly ) let me down now . ( she said while tapping his shoulder ) .

Reyansh :- I missed you Mumma ( he said cutely ) . You know i have way too many things to tell you . ( said getting really excited ) .

Namjoon ;- Just what is happening here , Ansh weren't you on odd terms with Mom when you came here few days ago .  ( he asked raising of all of the BTS doubts ) .

Reyansh was going to say something but before that Malini grabbed his ears painfully and twisted , Reyansh whined in pain which was cute to BTS as they smiled looking at the Mother -Son duo ..

Malini ( Reyansh mother ) :- Now explain , why did you stabbed that fork on that girls hand  that night , you have to explain it to me right now . ( she demanded the answer sternly ) .

Reyansh was continuously begging his mother to leave his ear but she didn't , so he had to explain everything to her while she was still holding his ears .

BTS in mind :- Now we can understand why he didn't wanted us to tell Mom about his bloody fight earlier. We can't imagine what would Mom do to him after knowing that Reyansh just killed 4 people brutally , when she is scolding him for just stabbing that SLUT MIA ..

When Maline finally left his ear Reyansh slumped into the couch and was pouting angrily while touching his now cherry red ear , seeing that cute pout something arose in some people hearts .  

Reyansh :- So about my behavior with Mom earlier was b/c i don't want to endanger her life , the people i am close to are on constant watch by my enemies as i am the crown prince . ( he explained to BTS ) . 

Malini :-And also his cold facade is also b/c of this reason and why he doesn't make any friends . But looks like he finally gave you that position as he has allowed you to call him by his nickname Ansh . ( she smiled while looking at Reyansh who gladly returned it ) . Don't get fooled by his outer appearance he is really a softie for his loved ones .

Reyansh in mind :- ( he chuckled at his mom statement ) Who would know better than them ( BTS ) , that one's outer appearance can't be trusted . They who look like normal college students are in reality PSYCHO MAFIA KINGS .

They all talked a lot and got comfortable with each other , BTS found him extremely cute in his open up version . They were getting more attracted to him than before after knowing his real personality . They noticed how he would show his expressions on everything pouting when upset , smiling wholeheartedly when happy , they were getting mesmerized by his beauty . 

Among BTS Jungkook was the one who was losing the grip on his sane shelf more and more , by seeing Reyansh like this he was tempted to make him his right this moment . But he stops his thoughts when he see innocence and pure smile on his face . 

He thinks that just for this smile , he would give up anything and everything .  

" Unknowingly Reyansh was attracting these 7 Psycho Mafias and was making them crazy over him " .


Mafia siblings and Indian Step Brother . [ BTSfanfic ]Where stories live. Discover now