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2 days ago

Namjoon POV : 

Here i am sitting in the meeting room of RATHORE empire waiting for the CEO to come . Not gonna lie i am very curious to know who is that person that handle this vast empire with such precision and cunningness that no one can take over them .  There is not much info about him , not his photos either b/c he doesn't give interviews . 

People know who is the Business King ,  but just his name and that is REYANSH SINGH RATHORE.

I was in my thoughts when the door opened and a small dominating person walks in like a king . It would be a lie to say that i was not shocked to see a person not more that maybe 20 coming in with such dominance and aura which can make any adult to bow before him .

He walks towards the CEO chair and sit on it and that's when realization hits me that he is Reyansh Singh Rathore the CEO of Rathore Empire . 

This beautiful boy with sky blue eyes which look just like bright sunny sky , but his is no where bright it's cold like ice . 

Reference for Reyansh eye color 

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Reference for Reyansh eye color 

Looking at him anyone would say that this is how a King looks like . 

And his is deadly cold which sends shivers down peoples spine . I am looking at him and observing how he concentrating on every company's presentation without any emotions on his face , which can give off what he is thinking . 

" He is truly a mystery a beautiful mystery at that ."

After the meeting ended everyone is looking at him for his answer , which he gives in an instant that he will work with our company . I can see some are angry , some are jealous and some are disappointed but no one have enough guts to  challenge his decision , so they just leave from there and we also get up to handshake for our new partnership in this project . 

Just when his hands touch mine i feel a electricity run through me but i keep my cold face on and firmly grasp his hand , his hand is smaller than mine but i can feel his strength from the grip he has on my hand  . We exchange greetings and another current passes through my body when he says my name but i compose my and then i take my leave as i have to leave for Korea . 

With the thoughts of his in my mind i took off to Korea .

Time skip to Korea Airport : --------------------- 

Author POV :

As soon as Namjoon landed on the airport his bodyguards surrounded him for his safety b/c why not he is not only a powerful businessmen but also the Mafia King of Korea and also soon to be Mafia Emperor . 

Mafia siblings and Indian Step Brother . [ BTSfanfic ]Where stories live. Discover now