First Day at University

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Reyansh POV :

I groan as i shift on my bed trying to get some more sleep , but couldn't because of my stupid alarm . I groan again as i push myself off my sleeping state to sit on my bed to look at the time . 

I see that it's 5 am now and my University starts at 9 am , so i still have plenty of time but not to laze around .  So i got up to get done with my morning routine and wear my gym clothes as i always workout everyday .

  So i got up to get done with my morning routine and wear my gym clothes as i always workout everyday

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( Remember Reyansh is not buff he has a lean body with perfect muscles and abs ) ;

 i reach my private gym in my home and started my workout forgetting everything , not caring and continue this for 3 hours which left me completely soaked in my own sweat and breathing heavily and panting . 

I got up and went to fresh up again and put on my clothes for University and went downstairs to eat my breakfast .

The maids had already prepared my breakfast and left b/c i don't like it when there are people in my house watching me

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The maids had already prepared my breakfast and left b/c i don't like it when there are people in my house watching me . They only work at ground floor when i am home or resting . I don't allow them to come to the 1 floor as i like my privacy .

After eating my breakfast i go to the garage and take my car and went towards my university with my guards following behind me in another car , they follow me everywhere i go except bathroom .

After eating my breakfast i go to the garage and take my car and went towards my university with my guards following behind me in another car , they follow me everywhere i go except bathroom

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At least i am happy that they will wait for me outside the university  when i am studying . 

As soon as i entered the main gate with three different cars following me , i saw people looking at me with curious and fear in their eyes , well they must be thinking i am some mafia or something . I chuckle as the people they adore and love so much are the ones who they should stay away from , they already study with mafias at their side and one of the most dangerous one at that . BTS .

This word is enough for people to piss their pants and here these people love them and follow them like their most loyal fans .

I got out of my car and people gasp seeing me , well i knew this would happen b/c some were surprised b/c of the bodyguards around , some b/c of the clothes i am wearing and mostly b/c of how i look . 

I ignore them and walked towards the university just then some people started cheering and shouting , i turn and look at the direction to see BTS standing right beside their limo looking straight at me . Our eyes clashed and i could see the emotions they are feeling right now is that of annoyance b/c of these girls shouting , well told them to act like such goody - goody people . 

When they looked at me their eyes showed an emotion which i couldn't recognize and left from their shrugging . My guards surrounded the university entrance simply standing and waiting for me . 

I walked to my class directly as i got my schedule from my Secretary Jai who already bought this University as i ordered him to do so .

As soon as i entered i immediately recognized three pair of eyes staring directly at me , BTS maknae Line sitting at their looking at me . I look at teacher who asked me to introduce myself .

Reyansh :-  Just call me Rey , don't bother to even look at me let alone talk with me . ( i said with my cold voice ) .

I said this and went to my seat which was unluckily just beside Jungkook . I just sat and coldly looked ahead not even minding to have an conversation with them . 



As we reached university we were shocked would be an understatement b/c we saw Reyansh Singh Rathore standing in all his glory in the campus ground and was looking at us with his usual cold face and deadly cold eyes . 

At first we were annoyed due to all these girls yelling but as soon as we saw him everything stopped for us , but he royally ignored us and went inside .

After sighing we also went inside towards our classrooms . 

We three ( Jungkook , Jimin and Taehyung ) are sitting in our classroom waiting for teacher o start but stopped as a boy entered our class who was Reyansh , but we became confused as we saw him introducing himself as Rey . 

We were deeply thinking about why he wanted to called as Rey was it to hide his identity as the most powerful CEO or something else . 

Then he came and sit beside me/Jungkook . I was feeling happy as he was sitting right beside me but before i could say something teacher started the class . 

Whole period went by and he didn't even bother to look at us and slightly triggered Jungkook's Psycho side which was just on the edge of coming out if not for the bell to ring indicating that the class is over and for Jimin and Tae to drag Jungkook towards the washroom to make him  to make normal again as he will kill anyone who he sees once he becomes angry .


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