3. Cookies

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Black Widow Chapter Three: Cookies

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Black Widow Chapter Three: Cookies

The next morning, Sloane dropped her siblings off at their schools a little early. She decided she'd better check up on Miguel before school to see if he was doing okay. She wasn't sure he'd be coming after the fight. She didn't know how bad it was.

After parking her car, Sloane checked the address in her phone one last time to make sure she wouldn't knock on some stranger's door and feel like an idiot. She had a tin tucked under her arm as she put her phone away and walked up to the door. She knocked and after a few seconds a woman opened the door.

The woman was on the young side for the mom of a teenager, probably in her mid-thirties. She had on blue scrubs and her black curly hair was pinned back. "Hi, can I help you?" she asked, holding onto the door.

One thing Sloane took for granted about Demetri and Eli being her only friends for years was that she never had to meet people's parents. Mrs. Moskowitz and Mrs. Alexopoulos had known her almost as long as they had and she had a decent relationship with them. She introduced herself when she was a kid and almost never had to go through that process again.

"Hi, I'm looking for Miguel. I'm Sloane, I'm a friend of his from school. I brought cookies," she explained awkwardly, holding up the tin.

The woman smiled. "That's so sweet of you. I'm Carmen, Miguel's mom," she answered and stepped aside to let her in. "Please, come in. He's in the living room."

Sloane gave her a polite smile. "Thanks," she answered and walked past her into the living room. Miguel was on the couch, looking a little worse for wear. He had some bruising on his face and a cut on his forehead that was partly covered by a bandaid.

Miguel looked up, curious to see who was at his door this time in the morning. when he saw it was Sloane, he gave her a puzzled look. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I heard what happened, thought I'd bring you some comfort food," Sloane explained. She walked over to him and handed over the tin.

Miguel opened it and immediately took a bite out of one of the cookies. "Thanks. These are great, did you make these yourself?"

Sloane nodded. "Yeah, and it's no problem. I am a firm believer that everyone who gets hurt deserves baked goods. You can ask Demetri, he broke his nose once and he almost gained like two pounds in two weeks," she answered.

Miguel chuckled. "Well, thanks for stopping by."

"Actually, I was wondering if maybe you'd like a ride to school. You know, if you feel up to going," Sloane offered. She was there anyways, might as well give him a ride while she's at it.

"Ella es linda. ¿Es ella tu novia?" a woman that Sloane hadn't noticed was in the kitchen this whole time spoke up. She was a little older, probably his grandmother, and seemed very interested in this whole conversation.

"No, Yaya, es sólo una amiga," Miguel responded before turning back to Sloane. "Sorry, that's my Yaya. A ride sounds good," he said. He put the icepack he was holding to his ribs down and got up.

"Are you sure you feel well enough to go to school?" Carmen asked. Typical concerned mom. Sloane could see where he got his kindness from.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt that much," Miguel insisted, but Sloane could sense he might have just been trying to look tough.

"And I have like a whole pharmacy in my bag, he'll be fine," Sloane tried to assure Carmen, but her eyes widened when she realized how that sounded. "But not in a drug dealer way. I just- I have a pretty comprehensive first aid kit," she added, hoping her first impression on his mom and grandmother wouldn't be that she was a drug dealer.

The grandmother laughed while Carmen nodded. "Just be careful, alright?" Carmen told Miguel and pressed a kiss onto his forehead.

"Yeah. Bye, mom," Miguel said and headed for the door.

"Bye, nice meeting you both," Sloane called to the two women as she followed Miguel.

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