5. Second Chance

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Black Widow Chapter Five: Second Chance 

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Black Widow Chapter Five: Second Chance 

"Yeah, but you can't quit," Miguel insisted. When he saw Demetri and Sloane at school after the incident the day before, he was shocked to learn they weren't coming back to the dojo. He couldn't believe they gave up that easily.

"I got yelled at and got my ass kicked. If it wasn't for Sloane, I would have had to pay him too. You know who lives like that? Hookers," Demetri argued, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy. You gotta give him a chance," Miguel pleaded.

Sloane chuckled bitterly. "Yeah, he seems like a real sweetheart. How is he any better than Kyler and those assholes when he treats people like that?"

"He just is. You don't know him like I do," Miguel insisted. Even in this, he was just as relentless as he had been with standing up to Kyler.

"That's hooker talk," Demetri pointed out, making Sloane laugh. "Besides, I don't need to learn karate when I have you two," he argued, nodding toward Kyler, who was just headed their way until he saw Miguel and left. "See? No one's gonna mess with you."

"Alright, but Sloane, come on. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it when you did that leg thing," Miguel tried again.

Sloane tilted her head. She had to admit she liked reversing the roles on people like that Sensei. "Alright, it felt good, but so what? I only came because I thought it would be fun to train with you guys. I don't have the money to waste on an asshole like that," she explained as they entered their class and sat down behind one of the work benches.

"Okay, so I'll score you free lessons. Will you come back then?" Miguel asked. Sloane gave him a hesitant look, so he turned up the groveling. "Sensei was really impressed with you. Just come by before everyone gets there. You'll see what he's like, okay?"

Sloane shook her head as she grabbed her notebook and pencil case. "You are stubborn as hell, you know that right?" she replied. "What time do you want me there?"

Miguel grinned at his victory. "We'll go straight after school."

Their science teacher, Mr. Palmer, shut the door of the classroom once the bell rang and started handing out papers to every table. Miguel, Demetri, and Sloane looked up when everyone suddenly started laughing.

Someone had stuck a Blow Pop on Samantha LaRusso's sweater. She sighed and took it off. "Thanks for the Blow Pop, guys. Really never gets old," she deadpanned.

Demetri nudged Miguel. "It's cause she gives blow jobs. Get it? Blow Pop, blow...job," he explained. Sloane quite harshly punched his shoulder. "Ow! What the hell?" he questioned, rubbing his shoulder.

"Demetri, have I taught you nothing about respecting women?" Sloane scolded, appalled her friend would talk about someone like that, especially after all the teasing they get.

"Sorry. Women are good. Men are bad. Al hail Sloane," Demetri recited, something she made her friends do after every misogynistic comment.

Miguel laughed. "It's just a rumor anyway," he said, shrugging it off.

"Hey, everybody. Who let the pigs out?" Mr. Palmer said in a monotone voice, which was met with deafening silence. "I did, because I ordered the fetal pigs. But seriously, get in your groups."

Before Miguel even got a chance to get a word in, Demetri and Sloane had already hooked their arms, signaling that they'd be a group. "Sorry, Miguel," Sloane offered with a sympathetic smile. Miguel sighed and shook his head in response. "Look on the bright side, looks like Sam doesn't have a partner either," she offered, nodding to the front of the class where Mr. Palmer and Sam were talking.

Miguel looked at them and grabbed his stuff. "I better go then," he said, suddenly very cheery, and walked toward Sam.

Sloane leaned her head on Demetri's shoulder as she watched Miguel talk to Sam. "They grow up so fast."

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