11. Starting Over

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Black Widow Chapter Eleven: Starting Over

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Black Widow Chapter Eleven: Starting Over

Sloane looked out the car window as she drove through the valley. She wasn't used to sitting in the passenger's seat anymore. She never really got the chance to look around as she drove. She just had to look ahead and focus on the road. Not the passenger, though. They got to notice the small details on the side of the rows, Buildings, stickers on lampposts, people passing by.

She propped her elbow up against the door, resting her head on the palm of her hand. She always liked summertime in the San Fernando Valley. Warm weather, more time to make money, but more time for herself too.

"So, Cobra Kai, huh?" Ethan spoke up from the drivers seat. He'd had enough of the silence between them. After a full year of not seeing each other in person because it was easier to stay at college for the other breaks, they had plenty to talk about, but they had only talked about him since she picked him up at the airport.

Sloane sighed. She did not want to talk about this right now. She didn't need a lecture from him when she was figuring things out for herself. This would be her first day back at the dojo while being allowed to train again. "EJ..."

"Not judging, just...curious how that happened," Ethan defended.

"If you must know, my friends are in Cobra Kai, so I thought I'd give it a try too and I ended up liking it, alright?" Sloane explained. "Before you try anything, Mr. LaRusso already told me they're a bad influence and, frankly, I don't care. I know what's good for me."

A lie, but a necessary lie. She needed to keep telling herself and her family that to get herself back in the dojo to prove it to herself. And if she looked at herself, it had to be true. Cobra Kai helped her feel more confident and gave her a sense of community. It gave her the feeling that people other than Demetri and Eli cared about her. Carmen and Sensei Lawrence had been there for her at her lowest moment and they helped her get back on track.

Ethan nodded. "Alright. It's your life. Just-...Just be careful," he told her. They pulled into the parking lot of the shopping centre. "How about I bring back some takeout from that Japanese place over on Ventura? I have to be in the area anyways."

Sloane pursed her lips. She was trying to be a little distant, but she did love that place and it had been forever since she'd gotten food there. "I'd like that," she stated before unbuckling her seatbelt and stepping out the car. "See you tonight then," she said before closing the car door.

In front of the Cobra Kai dojo were a bunch of new kids. When she approached, one of them noticed her Cobra Kai shirt and opened the door for her. "Here, let me get that for you," he offered.

"Uh, thanks," Sloane responded and quickly made her way into the dojo. When she stepped foot inside, the dojo looked a mess, but she tried not to pay it much attention and walked straight to Sensei Lawrence's office. "Sensei?"

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