7. The Hospital

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Black Widow Chapter Seven: The Hospital

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Black Widow Chapter Seven: The Hospital

"See you next week," Sloane called to the back of the house staff as she left the restaurant through the back exit after her shift. They had to lock the front doors when they closed to prevent customers from coming in after hours, so employees had to leave through the back after finishing up their work.

Sloane was usually on the closing shift, so this wasn't new, but today they had a large party that stayed in pretty late, so it was about half past twelve when she was done with cleaning up and rolling silverware for the next day.

She pulled out her phone to check on her messages as she walked through the alley next to the restaurant. Eli had sent her some dumb gif of a hawk, but it made her laugh. Because she was distracted by her phone, she was caught off-guard when she was pushed against the wall. She dropped her phone to see she'd been cornered by three guys.

"Give me the bag," the guy who'd shoved her demanded. Sloane looked between her bag and him and didn't say anything. "Are you deaf? Give me the bag!"

The man reached for her bag, but she wasn't going to let it go that easily. She was scared, but Cobra Kai had given her some confidence she otherwise might not have had. She wasn't about to let these assholes take her hard-earned money. Sloane grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm. She kicked him in the chest, sending him back and away from her.

The second guy came at her, reaching for her bag too, but she hit him in the head with it just in time for her to see the first guy was headed for her again. He swung at her, but she blocked and, in turn, punched him in the nose the way Sensei Lawrence had shown her. She punched him again and kicked him in the crotch, thinking that would do it.

While his friends were writhing in pain on the ground, the third guy was headed for her. He tried to take her by surprise with a blow to the head, but she saw it coming and blocked it with both arms. What she didn't see coming was the knife to her chest when her arms were defending her face.

Sloane looked down at the switchblade sticking out between her ribs. The first thought in her mind was that wasn't like the movies. Like the hero who didn't even feel it until the fight was over. She felt it go in. She felt the fabric of her shirt become soaked around the area. She wanted to start crying. She wanted to give up.

But this fight wasn't over. Cobra Kais don't quit or give up. If she had one chance to prove she was no quitter, this would be it.

Sloane punched the man's throat. While he was doubled over, gasping for air, she kicked him in the face, sending him flying against the wall and onto the floor. When he was laying on the ground, she lifted her leg above his head and brought her boot down hard with a hammer kick. No mercy.

Sloane took a breath and put her hand over the wound, the knife between her middle and ring finger. She grabbed her phone and her bag and stumbled back inside.

"You forget something, sweetheart?" Chef Leigh asked without looking up from the food he was wrapping up in plastic wrap.

One of the cooks, however, looked at the girl and his face dropped. She stood in the doorway, tears streaming down her face as she clutched her side with a knife poking out. "Oh, fuck," Corey mumbled. "Leigh, call 9-1-1."

Chef Leigh chuckled. "What?" he turned around to see the problem and had the same reaction Corey had. "Son of a bitch... Grab a towel, put pressure on the wound," he said and rushed to the restaurant's landline.

Sloane looked through glassy eyes as the whole thing seemed to move in slow motion. It felt like she was hearing everything through noise-cancelling headphones. She watched as Corey grabbed a kitchen towel and wrapped it around the knife. He was smart enough to know you should never pull it out. He sat her down in a chair in the restaurant

"Hey, you still there?" Corey asked once he noticed she was spacing out. He waved a hand in front of her face to try and get her to snap out of it.

Sloane looked at him. "Yeah...yeah," she said.

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get you to the hospital, alright?" Corey assured her.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ☯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Sloane sat in a hospital bed in a recovery room in the hospital she was taken to after the stabbing. Half a centimeter. That was by how much the knife had missed her lung. According to the nurse, she was one lucky kid. She just blankly stared back at her. 

Some luck. Getting stabbed in a dark alley and having to get hospital treatment without insurance. She needed to stay at least a day for observation. The one good thing about this whole ordeal was that at least no one needed to call her parents because of the emancipation, but that was about it.

After the nurse made her fill in some forms, police came by and took her statement. Apparently, she had done quite a number on the guys, so that was something.

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