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Open-third point-of-view

Every story needs to start from the very beginning. Before all-out war broke out. Before vengeful kin saught to vanquish eachother. Before new generations were taught peace, and unity. Before a young-detective got himself trapped between a battle within himself, his rivals and newfound interest in a wanted thief harboring a dark secret that could fix everything.

sixty-five years ago, an established buisness man and entrepreneur had a child with a close-friend whose wish was to sire a child. The news of their birth was meant to be quiet but for the safety of the mother's offspring, she made it public, annoucing the father wanted to take both her children.

At the time, no one was able to forsee the future that would than spiral out of control. The baby wasnt just a baby. There were twins. They could Magick. Magick was created and no-one could figure out how. There wasnt a signature within the parents, and no one from that generation could produce such out-of-this world energy.

Hence forth, Magick occured when two twins were born. One without, and one with magick. A lot of people blame the children, but there were those who strove to protect the two kids. Despite the one not being able to use magick. Bad people tried to get their hands on such a miracle, while others, tried to make advancments towards this miracle through invention and movenment. Laws were established and equipment made it excessible for future generations.

Those who wanted to make a difference, strived forward to better understand what magick was and how to handle it or how to enhance it. Courses were implemented for both the fortunate and the gifted. Thats when it was believed it created a shift between individuals who could wield magick, and those who can not. Fighting broke out in-class, and it became clear people had to be divided based on their status. Some schools do not provide that protections.

The positive growth within the community seemed to grow, but there were few who harbored foul intentiions toward individuals entitled towards magick rights.

The Black Organization was born. They made an appearance at an open conference meant for concerned parents and a gathering for younger teens voicing what the future might look like for them. The doors blew into the large auditorium, propelling a few young-adults and an officers by its hinges. The explosion was deafening before everyone scattered up in dissaray through the ringing and confusion. Three figures sauntered in before the camera panned center and front.

The face was recognizedable as Karasuma. He's one of the twins born twenty-years ago. He stood whilst the crowd and government officals moved back, trying to seek shelter from the guns posied in their general direction, carried by his two henchman. No one knew their names at the time, but the silver hair and dark fedora became a staple standing on either side of Karasuma.

Karasume didn't say a word, except deep-down everyone knew when it was televised live, when he shot everyone down within earshot.

The families mourning the lost, and the country of Japan was distraught. They wanted these men caught, and thrown in prision. They didn't deserve to live for the atrocities they commited. That was than the United States got involved when intel reached their database, that Karasuma intended to expand their work. Immediately airlines were shut down from entering and leaving Japan. Japan was readily accepting aid from the states.

The news was unware seperate entities from the US, like the CIA and FBI getting involved, but there was word the police were working their hardest to find Karasuma and his gang of murderers.

Because their motives were analyzed and surveyed, an uproar had risen three years after the tragedy found its way back on network servers. It was shared through gossip originally intercepted by a group of teenagers intent on changing the world, and those uninfiliated with non-magickal attributes, they quickly jumped on board with eradicating magick users.

They felt it was unfair, and that Karasuma was just, for killing magick users. It wasnt just non-magick, but anyone living with an ounce of magick in their blood, used it for murder and unjust acts, and often pursued the life of crime.

That was when Kaitou KID, The phantom thief made themselves present within the chaos. He wasn't Magick but he used magic to steal priceless artifacts, only to return them. It was odd, watching a man jump around, flipping, twirling and evading the police used nothing but he muscle and quick thinking.

It soothed the anger and for most, Kaitou KID was a saving grace for those caught between feeling utterly useless for their unlucky hand in life. They all saw it as hope. And when that hope was shot down, by the Black Organization, it pushed for a unity between the Magick-users and non-magick users.

Kudou Yusaku became a relevent author around the magicians departure. Those mourning were looking for something to elviate the sadness, so they turned to his mysterious and magical stories, tailored closely to relating Sherlock Holmes and a certain Magic thief.

Kudou's son, Shinichi created a name for himself, much like his father, nineteen years later. Thats where this story picks off.

I've decided to change things up! Entirely different!
I'll try not to make it feel like OCs! I'm going to do my best, at capturing both Shinichi and his comrades!

Buckle up and enjoy!

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