Part 22

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Eve's POV

So, this is what we did. We are currently getting ready to visit Jasper's parents first. When we all talked about how their parents were, Jasper's seemed the most chill. So obviously, I chose to meet them first.

I made sure everything was as perfect as could be. I smell good, my hair is done, I have minimal makeup on and I'm in an outfit that doesn't show too much off.

Jasper had been telling me for the past hour to relax but I can't. This is all so much. I need everything perfect.  I need them to like me... to accept me.

I had always been like that.  Someone who hated to disappoint.  I guess you can call it a fear of mine. 

He places a finger under my chin and has me look up at him.  His eyes bore into mine and he gives me a gentle smile. 

"Relax baby.  My parents will love you.  Honestly, I think they will be relieved that I have found someone.  They thought I've been single all my life.  Well, other than high school." He said softly with a chuckle.

"Wait.... How many girls have you three been with together??"  I ask.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" He asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"Um... yea...nevermind." I reply.  "But none of them had met your parents?"

He shook his head.  "None of them had met any of our parents." 

I take a deep breath.  I feel like even more pressure had been put on me.  I should be relieved but making a good impression is even harder when I have nobody from the past to beat.

He ushers me out to the SUV and we all hop in.  Maverick is driving.  Oli is in the passenger seat.  Jasper and I in the backseat.  Jasper's hand in placed on my thigh and lightly rubbing his thumb on it, trying to keep me calm.  Internally, I was a mess.

Jasper's POV

Eve had absolutely nothing to worry about.  She is beyond perfect and I know they will love her.  My parents had always been the chill, laidback kind of parents.  Those two are the type that mess around with each other and always try to make each other laugh.

I had always wanted a love like that.  And I believe I have found it.  I found it with Everleigh. This woman makes my heart melt. She makes me laugh and she makes me cry. She makes life worth living. And that's all I need.

After about an hour drive, we finally pull up to my family's house. It wasn't much but it's their home and they find it perfect.

I am obviously the first one out of the vehicle so I can get the door for Eve. I help her out of the vehicle, wait for the guys, and head up to the front door.

Maverick knocks and after about a minute, my mother opens the door. She smiles brightly as she sees Maverick, Oliver, and I.

"Oh!!! My boys!!!" She says happily, even though I am her son out of all of us. Her eyes land on Eve and she smiles even brighter. "And who is this beautiful woman?"

"Mom, this is Everleigh, my girlfriend." I smile.

"Oh. Everleigh. That's such a beautiful name. Come in. Come in!!" She says before she moves aside to let us all in.

We all walk in and I can feel Eve stand even closer to me.  I can tell she is beyond nervous. 

I take a seat on the couch and the boys sit next to me.  My arms snake around Eve and I pull her into my lap. 

My mom sits down on the loveseat before she speaks up.  "So... how did you two meet?  And Eve, tell me a bit about yourself."

I speak up for the how we met question.  "We met at a car meet.  Turns out, she loves cars as much as I do." I smile proudly.

Eve smiles slightly.  "Um... I don't really know what to tell about myself.  There isn't much to me." She laughs quietly, obviously nervous.  "Um... I love music and cars.  That's about it."

My mom looked at me and then her before nodding.  "Im sure I will learn more over time.  I can tell you are nervous."  She gives Eve a soft smile, showing she understood.

Mom looks at us boys and smiles. "So, anything new with you guys? Maverick, Oliver... did you guys find girls for yourself?"

I can feel Eve stiffen in my lap and thankfully mom doesn't notice. Maverick smiles and so does Oliver.

"We actually did. My girl is wonderful and beyond beautiful. Honestly, I'm beyond terrified to lose her." Maverick says with pride and a bit of fear, mainly because of the last sentence.

"My girlfriend is beyond talented. And she is so smart. She knows what she wants and she goes for it. I'm beyond proud to call her mine." Oliver states.

My mom nods and smiles even bigger. "Good. You all deserve to be happy."

Honestly... Maverick, Oliver, and I are all whipped over this woman in my lap. If only she knew the extent of our love towards her.

I look up at the guys and silently tell them to take Eve for a bit so I can talk to my mom privately and they seemed to understand.

"Eve, let's go. I'll show you around the house." Oliver said as he smiled. Eve nods and gets up to follow him. Once those three left, I look at my mom.

"Mom... I think this girl is truly the one. We haven't known each other long and haven't been seeing each other that long but I think she is the one. The one I eventually want to marry. The one I want to carry my future children. And it all scares me so much. I am utterly head over heels for her." I say quietly.

She reaches over and grabs my hand, causing me to lightly smile. "Honey, I can tell she is a good one. And I fully believe you. I think she may be the perfect one for you. Do what makes you happy. If this is the girl you want to marry, then do what your heart tells you. Just maybe giver her a little time. Unless she shows that she is ready for such commitment."

I was thankful that she was so happy to see me this happy. She was so supportive and she seemed to love Eve already. After our talk, Eve and the guys came back and we decided it was time to leave. My mom takes initiative during the goodbyes and pulls Eve in for a hug before telling her that she is welcome any time and to not be a stranger.

Eve smiles and we make our way out of the house.

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