Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV

It was the day that the dead will arrive. Everyone was weary of what might happen and was quite serious about it. The women and children were placed in the crypt, which you think was a stupid place to hide them since there's literally dead bodies in there.

You were told and planned by everyone in the meeting that you focused your attention on the Godswood and around it - where Bran is baiting The Night King. As soon as you see him, you'll stab him with a valerian steel dagger.
The sooner you do this the sooner you can train and return to Malfoy.

As the sun set, you, Daenerys and Jon snow watched from the hills. They watched as the Dothraki marched with flaming weapons and they each slowly disappeared when they reached the other and of the yard. It was silent. To silent for your liking. You ignored the nervous lump that formed in your throat and you all got on your dragons, being prepared.

You got on Viserys and Rhaenyra knew what to do. You watched from your dragon all the dead marching towards the army being placed outside the wall. Then the battle began. You signalled Viserys to go and the same happened with Daenerys's dragon.

Then the battle field was lit up from all the fire that has been flaming from the dragons, all burning the white walkers in their path. Sansa and Arya watched in awe but also fear, knowing that they could burn Winterfell to brick and stone if they wanted.

You stayed around the Godswood as ordered whilst Jon and Daenerys went to the other side of the field. You continued to burn white walkers with Rhaenyra and Viserys but then a large, cloud of icy wind and fog came out of nowhere.
It blocked you and your dragons vision and the next thing you knew you were being lost in a storm.

Sighing, you grabbed out your wand, hoping the magic within it still worked and held it up,
" Lumos!"
A bright light emerged from the top of the wand, clearing the fog around you. Sighing in relief, you and your dragons went back to the Godswood and continued doing your job. Luckily, Daenerys and Jon saw that light and was getting closer back to Winterfell.

You saw a large group of crows fly by you and the dragons, the look in their eyes told you that it was Bran warging, meaning the Night King was close. You landed Viserys on the floor and ordered them both,
" Continue naejot zālagon se timpa walkers. Nyke'll mīsagon bran. Sagon ȳgha ( Continue to burn the white walkers. I'll protect Bran. Be safe ),"

They growled as a signal of understanding before running through the trees of the Godswood. You knew that the Night King was close to Bran and that he was already there. Your feet were light so the white walkers didn't hear you running. When you were, you caught the sight of Arya and you both nodded when you made eye contact.

You pointed your wand at the Night King,
" Avada Kedavra!"

The same green spell that Voldemort used hit the Night King and sent him flying towards Arya. Before his army could attack, she impaled his stomach with the valerian steel dagger, then he broke into small shard of ice. The white walkers dropped dead, ignoring the shocked look of Arya.

Arya walked up to you and sent you a small smirk,
" You're not bad. I prefer you over your Aunt, I'm pretty sure everyone does,"

You chuckled a little and walked over to Bran with her. He looked between you both and watched as your dragons landed back in front of you. They both led down, clearly tired from the fighting and wrapped their tails around you with their wings over you. Giggling, you stroked both of their scaly skin and told them they did well in Old Valyrian.

You noticed Arya looking at them in awe and gently grabbed her hand. She watched as you placed it on one of them and her smile of curiosity spread. You laughed at her reaction,
" Maybe one day we can have ride on them. I'm sure you'll love it,"

" And if they don't want me on?"

" It's been a pleasure knowing you, Arya Stark,"

You both just laughed a little and you both climbed over their tails when they fell asleep. You pushed Bran back to the main part of Winterfell with Arya. When Daenerys saw you, she immediately ran over and pulled you into a tight, worried embrace. It looked like she had been crying, only to see that her friend, her lieutenant had sacrificed himself for her.

When everyone gathered and burn the dead bodies of the war, you and Daenerys started planning the attack on King's Landing. However, you had a bad feeling about going there head on, so you both discussed that you will go around and she will go straight in.

Tyrion proceeded with the plan,
" We need to figure out a way to get to the throne without hurting anyone civilians within the kingdom,"

You nodded in agreement but the look in Daenerys's eye showed that she didn't care if she did that: she was willing to do anything to get to that throne. You gulped nervously, knowing that this wasn't your Auntie who raised you at all and walked out of the room when everyone was finished.

The look of hatred and revenge in her eye lingered in your head. Was this the right path for her? You knew she was changing by being on it, and you didn't want her to turn out like her Father. You walked into a room by accident to see the Starks - Arya, Sansa and Bran - were having a conversation.

They looked at you and you apologised, when you were about to leave, Arya called your name to stay. So you walked over and noticed that they weren't looking at you with hatred like they did with your Aunt. They seemed to trust you more.

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