Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

It's been two days since the Yule bowl and the third challenge was a day away. Ever since you and Malfoy became a thing, the word got out around the school, way faster than you expected. You didn't realise what the big hype was and didn't care what they say.

However the feeling of being homesick got stronger by the day. You missed Daenerys so much it physically hurt. You wondered when the battle was going to happen and you wanted to help, you hated being in school and thinking of all the soldiers that were dying.

You were sat in the garden in the middle of Hogwarts against a tree with a candle in your hand. You stared at the small flame, remembering the times where you and your Aunt would play with fire with her dragons. Your boyfriend's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

" Are you alright?"

He sat beside you and you just leant your head on his shoulder. He accepted the action as you told him about feeling homesick. You told him that you were from another world and it took him a few minutes to process the information. He let out a sigh and kissed your temple. You would be lying if you said his warmth didn't comfort you.

Suddenly, Hermione ran up to you worriedly with Ron and Harry behind,
" Y/n! It's your dragons!"

You wasted no time and ran as fast as you could towards Hagrid's hut. You forgot about the feeling of being homesick and the fact your friends were calling your name from behind. They were the only thing left from your home. You couldn't lose them.

You ran down the steep hill to see a bunch of random people tie them down, trying to contain them with rope and chains. You were held back by Hagrid, earning a glare from you,
" What are you doing?! Leave them alone,"

Hagrid sent you a sympathetic look,
" I'm sorry, Y/n, but they're just to dangerous to keep in Hogwarts anymore,"

Worry turned to anger as you finally managed to get out of his grasp. Your eyes darkened and your kindness faded instantly. You turned your attention to Dumbledore, who just looked at the ground guiltily. Students began to come outside of the school to see what was going on.

You walked over to Dumbledore but was held back by Professor Snape and Lupin. You lashed out, anger blinding your vision,
" You did this! You promised me that we won't be separated and then do this,"

He clearly wanted to speak but nothing came out.
You may be a kind Targaryen, but you still possessed your Grandfather, The Mad King's genes of anger. You stopped trying to make yourself over to him and sent him an emotionless expression,
" Do you remember what I said about what will happen if you try and separate me from them?"

You turned to face your dragons, who were still fighting back. The people who held the chains clearly weren't special, you could tell by their clothes. You yelled,
" Dracarys!"

And just like that, each dragon blew out a large wave of fire that left the men screaming in pain. The chains and the ropes were either burned or melted off the them, releasing them. The men screamed in pain before they were burnt into a crisp, only their ashes remaining. You turned back to Dumbledore, who was shocked out of his skin, but also held pure terror. The same goes with most of the teachers.

You glared at them,
" I did warn you, but you never listened,"

Pansy pointed at you,
" She's crazy!"

Your dragons growled at the insult and stepped forward, moving their wings a little more near you as a sign of protection. Pansy shut up immediately and backed away. Dumbledore let out a small hum,
" It seems we have made a mistake in letting you join Hogwarts. It's our fault for finding you with baby dragons and letting you raise them here,"

Hagrid didn't want him to continue and wanted to change his mind before he could say anything else. He quickly stepped forward,
" Dumbledore, sir, we'll need her dragons to defend ourselves against You-know-who if he and his followers ever come back. She has great control over them so I don't get the problem?"

Dumbledore looked at Hagrid in thought but was interrupted by you screaming in pain whilst clutching your head. You dropped to the floor, earning soft whines from your dragons. Draco ran over to you in worry, holding you against his chest. Any other person who tried to come near to you was sent back by the dragons with their deep growl.

Flashes of the Army of the dead marching south came to mind. The Night King was riding one of Daenery's dragons and she was figuring out the mark on her wrist whilst riding with Jon Snow.

The vision suddenly stopped and you stood up, petrified from all the images you just saw. You had no idea what it was, frankly, you didn't care. All you needed to do was get back.
" They're here. They're in danger,"
You whispered in fright as you paced back and forth. Draco gripped your shoulders and shook them,
" What do you mean? Who's in danger?"

" My family, my friends. They white walkers have broke through the wall,"

Pansy gathered the courage to step forward again, clearly not liking you for some reason and yelled at everyone,
" She's lying! She's doing this for attention so we don't hurt her precious dragons,"
People exchanged looks of uncertainty and some even glared at her to shut up, one of them people was you.

You knew who the next target for dragon food was.

" You want proof?"

You grabbed your wand from your pocket and activated an old spell, making everyone, including the teachers, see the images. You watched as their expressions turned from shock to fear. When it was done, Dumbledore looked at you in horror,
" What were they?"

" The things that are going to destroy my world if I don't figure out a way to return,"

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