Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

Draco explained to you that day their purpose was to overthrow the Ministry of Magic and gain power and fear over everyone. So in your spare time when your daughters were asleep, you would train endlessly in combat. You were the peoples new hope now. Draco even ordered some fire proof clothes for you.

You grabbed small daggers and threw them at a target board one at a time, all hitting the target perfectly.
" I see the perfect little princess has been focusing on herself a lot more lately,"
You rolled your eyes at the cocky voice and turned around to see Pansy glaring at you but still had an irritating smirk. You sighed,
" I'm not in the mood to deal with you, now, "

She asked, continuing the conversation,
" Don't you think you still have weaknesses? For example, your daughter and that precious baby of yours. What happens if they target them?"

You threw a knife at her from her words, making it land right next to her face and into the wall. She froze in fear and stopped talking instantly. You walked over to her angrily, even though deep down , you knew she was right,
" Don't ever mention them, especially from you,"

" I've just come to warn you about some news that I'm figuring out,"

A hint of fear was seen in her eyes but she tried to replace it with arrogance, it never worked. You inhaled deeply, trying to contain and calm your anger and frustration and backed away.
You heard her walk away but you stopped her. She turned to you, thinking she had won the conversation, but she guessed wrong,
" One day, I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull"

She gulped nervously and walked away.


2 months later, the news had traveled around the country off a hero coming to save them - you.
Your picture with your two dragons were on the newspaper and some even believed that you were the secret wife of Draco.

Raven was no longer a newborn, she had grown a little and even opened her eyes. They were just like yours, lilac with a tint of blue in them. Draco has been trying to get closer to you lately, and you accepted it since your feelings for him still existed.

You went downstairs after a tired day off training and looking after the kids and sat on the couch. Bran was asleep in your bed since he kept having visions most of the day, which drained him physically and mentally. Beside him was Rhaya and Raven was in the crib, both asleep.

You brought the cup of tea up to your lips and drank the liquid, letting the warmth fill your cold body. Draco sat next to you and placed his fingers under your chin, making you turn to face him.
He placed his lips on yours and let you place the mug down before kissing him back.
He pulled you closer by bringing you in by the waist as the kiss began to get intense.

That night was perfect for both of you.


" So you're saying this girl is both a mother of two dragons, not biologically, and is immune to fire?"

The woman sat on the wooden chair asked, her intimidating voice echoing through the cave. Her hair was long and a dark red colour and possessed piercing blue eyes. The girl in front of her nodded timidly, fearing that she may snap at any moment.

The woman just chuckled in amusement,
" Looks like we have a challenge boys, a challenge we've been waiting for,"

The bandits all cheered at their leader, holding up their wands. The woman raised her hand and they stopped instantly as she stood up. She knelt down to the timid girl and hummed,
" The name is Pansy, correct?"

" Yes ma'am,"

" Good. You're now going to get info from her since you live in the same house. I want to know everything,"

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