Hate To Love You | SFK | Pt. 1

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Being around him was unbearable. You weren't sure why he hated you as much as he did, but he ensured that you were aware of it any time he saw you. After one night of taking it too far, the full story finally comes out.

Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (pls wrap it before you tap it), oral (m!receiving), oral (f!receiving), fingering (f!receiving) dirty talk, hair pulling, slight exhibitionism, sex in a public place (sort of), swearing, insulting, dickhead sam, drinking, bit of a love triangle more so at the end, sorry if i missed any!


The door to Danny's apartment flung open, causing a collective whip of heads to turn and look towards it. Sam Kiszka stumbled in, clearly tipsy and looking a bit disheveled. You clenched your jaw at the sight of him, hoping by some power of the gods he wouldn't show up tonight, although you knew your wish was not likely to come true. He was always around, looming and seeming to want to do whatever he could to ruin your mood.

Music was softly playing through the room, bodies were crowded in every corner, and your drink was quickly reaching the end. As if some higher power was willing you to have a terrible time tonight, Sam's eyes immediately fell on you. A frown quickly twisted on his lips as he made his way towards you. If you weren't so scared of looking weak, you would've cowered away from him, but you stood your ground. His hand rested on your arm as he leaned in to whisper something to you. "You know, when you're here, they should really give me a warning before I show up," he said. You casted your eyes to look at his face. He smelled like booze and cigarettes as if he'd just stumbled out of a dive bar.

"Why is that, Samuel?" You made sure to elongate your words with an annoying drawl, just to piss him off.

"So I can prepare myself for a terrible fucking night." He let your arm go with a little push, causing you to lose your footing slightly. No more words were shared before he disappeared into the group of people behind you. His cologne lingered in the air for moment, making it harder to forget he had arrived. You brushed the interaction off, knowing that Sam was always going to be the way he was and you couldn't let it bother you.

As you made your way to the kitchen to pour another drink, you ran into the host of the nights event. "Pipsqueak!" Danny called over to you. You had to laugh at the nickname. He started using it within days of meeting you, just a gentle joke poking fun at your height. Of course he'd thought you were short, most of the time he failed to realize that almost everyone was short compared to him. He wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you in a hug. "What's your drink of choice?" He asked, motioning to the bottles of liquor displayed on the counter.

"Whatever you're making me." You smiled, taking a seat on one of the chairs. Danny was always a ray of sunshine, sober or not. He made everyone's day better just by existing. He was the first you'd met out of any of the members of Greta Van Fleet. You had been sitting by your lonesome at a bar one night after a final blowout with your shitty ex-boyfriend. You'd found solace in the cheap tequila shots at the nearest dingy bar. He stopped for a drink after a long day at the studio. It was like fate meeting him that night. He was a very attractive guy, but the friendship you'd blossomed with him that day was something you'd been craving since you made your start in the city. Under different circumstances, you may have let him take you home that night.

You were never the best at making friends. Not because you were mean or any other outstanding baggage, but mostly because you were awkward. You'd spent your entire high school career dating the same toxic guy, and moved in with him almost immediately after graduation. There was never much time to make any friends other than him, simply because he wouldn't allow it. So, the social cues you should have grown into simply passed you by. Danny was like a breath of fresh air, never minding your stuttering or uncertainties with the whole bonding process. He took to you immediately, imploring you to hang out with him and his friends.

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