Poolsides & Pizza Boxes | JTK | Some Time Later

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Warnings: brief mentions of sex, brief mentions of drinking, swearing, and lots of fluff!


"That's just about everything, trouble." Jake let out a long breath, landing a firm hand atop the cardboard box he just placed on the table. "Everything upstairs is cleared out, and it seems like we got everything that was down here, too." He continued, his eyes briefly scanning the kitchen as he spoke.

"I think I'm gonna miss this place." You said, an air of sadness in your tone. "It was my first house, you know? I made it into a home, even if it wasn't for very long."

"You did." He nodded, his eyes settling on his face as he tried to decipher the emotion in your features. "But it wasn't your first house. Technically, you're moving back into your first house."

"No, that's different." You shook your head, your lips twitching into a small smile. "That was your house; I was just staying there."

"No, you were living there." He corrected, taking a step towards you. "That house has always been yours just as well as mine." He said, brushing the baby hairs away from your forehead as he gave you a soft smile. "Now, it'll really be ours."

"I like the sound of that." You hummed, stepping forward and wrapping a single arm around his torso. You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder as you let your eyes flutter closed. "You think the guys are mad at me for making them help me move again?" He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head immediately after the words left your lips.

"They'd never be mad at you, trouble. Plus, it gives them an excuse to day-drink and eat takeout."

"They do that anyway." You grinned, turning your head upwards to face his. He let out a small noise, not responding with words but very clearly agreeing with your thoughts.

It had been just shy of half a year since you and Jake started dating. The high emotion of the fateful night opened a whole new door for the two of you, and it didn't take long for you to grow comfortable in a relationship, just the same as you did as friends. Now, he was spending nearly every night at your house, or vice versa. As adults, you'd come to the conclusion that paying two mortgages when one house was mostly vacant was a stupid idea. You were burning money the longer you lived apart, all while going through the motions of cohabitation.

A few weeks prior, Jake slipped the idea in your mind of moving in with him. At first, you brushed it off with a laugh, not taking him too seriously. Then, he brought it up again at dinner, striking the irrefutable idea. He liked your house; loved it, even, but his was bigger, and yours would need more work done to it as the years went on. You had lived there before, and you had both been under the general impression that the two of you were going to last. You felt no need to go through the classic motions of dating, because you'd been doing it all without the sexual intimacy for your entire lives.

So you thought about it for a day, but you didn't need much longer than that to agree with his proposal. You both figured you could fix it up a little more and host an open house to show all the renovations it received, and once it sold, you'd move in with him. The process only took about a month total, and before you knew it, your life was packed up in boxes again and you were hopeful it would be for the last time.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just too sentimental." You shrugged, your sad eyes glancing out the patio door to your backyard. "We put so much work into this place. I got the expensive wood floors Sam liked so much, and we built a pool, Jake."

"Do you want to move in with me, trouble?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. If you were to disagree, he wouldn't be angry about it. It was more or less a question to ensure your comfortability, to make sure that he didn't pressure you into something you did not want to do.

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