Bugs, Bears, and a Thunderstorm | DRW

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On a camping trip that y/n wasn't particularly eager to go on, a set of unfavourable circumstances leads to the best possible outcome, leaving her to believe camping may not be so bad, after all.

Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (fuck just please wear protection), fingering (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), oral (f!receiving), face-sitting, sort of rough sex, bit of slapping ig, teasing, name calling, biting, touch of orgasm denial, touch of a daddy kink towards the end (im sorry, im terrible, ik), drinking, swearing, camping (deserves a warning), sorry if I missed any!!


The sun was warm, inviting you in with its gentle embrace and loving touch. You sat under it, birds chirping in the distance and the smell of the trees filling your nose. The trickle of the lake nearby was calling to you, begging for you to jump in and feel the water on your skin. You made a mental note, ensuring you'd check it out before the day was through. The grass below you was tickling your thighs, reminding you how loving the earth could be if you treated it right. Peacefulness wasn't a strong enough word to describe the scene. The stress melted off your body as if it never existed. Just by sitting there, you seemed to be able to forget about all of your other worldly troubles.

The serenity was disturbed when voices broke through the air, laughing and joking echoing like the owners didn't realize you were enjoying the silence. You turned your head, eyes settling on a group of boys. You wanted to be mad, to scold them for disrupting your solitude, but you couldn't. The minute they came into your line of vision, a smile was breaking out on your lips. "Trying to catch a tan?" Jake asked, taking a seat next to you on the ground.

"Maybe, more or less just enjoying some peace and quiet away from you guys."

"Oh, come on, Mama, you know you love us." Josh teased, taking up the empty spot on the other side of you.

"Depends on the day, really." You shrugged off his comment, giving him a smile. He placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt, giving a dramatic gasp. "Oh, shut up, you know I do." You assured him. He placed his arm around you, pulling you into his side.

"You know, for someone who said she doesn't like camping, you seem to be enjoying the trip so far." Sam chirped, taking a seat on a lawn chair not far off from where the three of you were sitting on the grass. Danny followed suit, sitting in one beside him.

"I like the outdoors, Samuel. I don't like tents, or bugs, or bears." He raised an eyebrow at you.

"That doesn't really make it sound like you like the outdoors, either."

"Sun! The sun is fantastic! Swimming is great, too! Hikes and fresh air and all of that is awesome! But, I like my bed, and I prefer to sleep without a million bugs trying to bite me, and the thought of not being eaten by a bear is very comforting." You argued. He held his hands up in surrender, conceding from the discussion. "Besides, having a kitchen is great, and you know, a roof, in case of extreme weather is excellent, too."

"Fine, I suppose you have a point." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of hikes," Jake turned to look at you, now "we're getting ready to go check out the trails. Care to join?"

"I was actually going to see the lake over there." You were honest. You'd love to go with them, but the water was calling your name, and you knew that if you went with the boys, you may not be back until dark.

"You bring your life jacket?" Jake smiled, nudging you with his elbow.

"My god, you guys really know how to disturb the peace." You shook Josh's arm off you, standing now.

"You were the one who agreed to come with us." Sam reminded.

"After you begged me to come!" You snipped.

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