Poolsides & Pizza Boxes | JTK (1 of 2)

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Warnings: sexual situations, mentions of sexual frustrations, lots of sexual tension, like one smidgen of dry humping, embarrassing crushes, kissing/making out, awkward situations, play fighting, lots of friendly teasing, drinking, smoking, partying, swearing, a touch of angst, lots of fluff, sorry if i miss any! (stick around for part two for the rest 😉)


The summer sun was blinding, irritating your eyes as you shielded them with your hand. Your skin was warm, the cool pool water long forgotten and the droplets dried into a distant memory. The drink sitting in the cup holder of your patio chair was condensated, the ice inside melting the longer you sat, and the music blaring through your speaker was playing a song you hadn't heard in a long time. The moment was perfect, the summer day exactly what you had dreamed of in the slump of work that only ever seemed to grow larger. What made it even better was the crowd of boys sitting poolside, their feet in the water and beer bottles in their hands.

As you sipped at your straw, you watched as one of them stood, the water running from his legs onto the brand new concrete panels on the ground. You looked upwards, your eyes settling on his face as he turned away from his brothers and took a step in your direction. His brown hair hung over his shoulders, framing his face and blowing softly in the barely-there breeze. You couldn't help but feel your lips turn upwards into a smile as he continued on his path, standing in front of you and casting a shadow over your chair.

"The sun looks good on you, you know." He said, his hands anchored on his hips as he gazed down upon your lax position in the chair.

"What does that mean, Jacob?" You raised an eyebrow, looking over the top your sunglasses at him. There was a hint of a smile on his lips too, and you could see his skin of his chest and shoulders beginning to redden from the constant sunlight touching it.

"It means you look better in the sun than you do behind an office desk." He continued, pushing an identical chair closer to you with his leg. He stopped when the arm collided with yours, sending the ice in your drink clinking against the plastic cup. He sat down, turning his head to look at you before speaking again. "It means we have to do this more often."

"I know, I'm sorry." You sighed, pushing your glasses back up the bridge of your nose. You rested your head against the wooden back of the chair, taking in a long breath. The summer air was sweet, lingering with the scent of the blossoming flowers Jake had helped you plant by the doorway just a few days prior. When the wind blew just right, you were hit in the face with his cologne still lingering on his skin, mixing with the last bit of sunscreen that refused to wash away after his pool escapades. The scent was familiar, it was comfortable, and it made you think of home.

"Makes me think you're forgetting about me, sometimes."

"Forgetting about you?" You scoffed, chuckling at the idea alone. "As if I could do that even if I wanted to. And how does that make any sense? You're here every fuckin' day anyway." At that, he let out a laugh, one that shook his shoulders and echoed through the air.

"Yeah, but hanging out with you is much different than listening to you talk on a boring conference call from across the room." He brought the cap of his beer to the edge of the arm on his chair. After a few seconds spent positioning it correctly, he slammed his hand down on top of it. The cap popped off, clanging down on the concrete, and bubbles overflowed from the neck of the bottle. With a mischievous smile, he flicked his hands towards you. You jumped in surprise as the cold liquid hit your warm skin, sending him a glare that spoke louder than any words. "You moved halfway across the country so you could be near us again, and all you do is work."

"Mhm," you let out a hum, your lips pressed tightly together as you wiped away the droplets of beer from your chest. "You travel all over the world for months at a time, but you don't hear me complain about it." He shot you an incredulous look, shaking his head in disbelief that you would even say such a thing.

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