Feel Like This

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Ive been to pretty dark places,

Stuck in toxic situations

But you taste like stability and

That's new for me

The next morning, Josephine was washing her breast pump parts at the sink when a voice startled her.

"How long have I been out?" She jumped, turning to see Juice leaning against the doorway. She quickly turned off the water before rushing over to him.

"You shouldn't be up!" Juice gave her a quick smile.

"I'm feeling fine."

"Will you at least go sit on the couch?" Josephine asked, rubbing her forehead lightly.

"Fine. If it makes you less worried, then yes." Juice turned to limp to the couch, and she stood watching him before turning to get him a cup of coffee. After adding cream and sugar, she walked back into the living room. She smiled as she realized Juice had listened to her. He was sitting on the couch in his boxers with his injured leg up. His shirt was off, and it took everything in her not to spill the coffee as she stared. She passed him his coffee and sat on the other end of the couch.

"Thanks," Juice said before taking a sip. He looked around before returning to her, smirking as he caught her staring. "Where's the twins?"

"Tara took them for the night. She said I had a lot on my plate." Juice nodded but couldn't hide the shocked look on his face. Josephine let out a loud sigh as she leaned back against the arm of the couch.

"I know, shocking. But I figured I could trust her." She shrugged as she began to play with her hands. Juice watched her as she started to chew on her lower lip before she looked up, meeting his eyes.

"Why did you ask the guys to bring you here?" Her question had caught him off guard and he shifted nervously in his seat.

"Who told you that?"

"Chibs did. I asked him why they brought you here instead of right to Tara."

"I trust you, Jo. I knew I'd be ok here," He responded, feeling his cheeks warm. He didn't want her to know how quickly he made the decision to come here. He also didn't want her knowing how Jax resisted the idea. At least, that was until Chibs convinced Jax that he could call Tara to meet them. While he understood Jax's reservations about involving Josephine in the club business, he knew she wouldn't pry. She worked in a nursing field where all patient care was based on a need-to-know basis.

"How's the leg?" She asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Sore, but ok." Motioning to himself, he smirked, "Sorry about my lack of clothes." Josephine let out a light chuckle and blushed.

"It's ok, I don't mind. It's a nice view." Juice almost spit his sip of coffee out when the words tumbled out of Josephine's mouth. Wiping his mouth, he watched as her eyes followed his hand. Shaking his head lightly, he reached to put his cup on the table.

"So, when is Tara dropping off the twins?"

"She texted me about an hour ago saying she'd drop them off at CeCe's house before my shift. Told me to take care of you and try to enjoy my 'day off' from motherhood." She threw up air quotes on 'day off', and Juice couldn't help but smile. Leaning back, he took her in as she reached for her TV remote. He watched her run a hand through her hair, flicking mindlessly through the TV channels. It wasn't straight like it had been when he first met her. It was wavy, flowing down her back.

"So, about our date?" Her eyes pulled away from the TV to meet his smirk.

"You still wanna go out with me after last night?"

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