Fake Smiles

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Oh, Lord

Got these fakes smiles around me everyday now

Got these people talking 'bout me, what they say's foul

Sometimes the people that you'd take a bullet for

Are the ones that got you aimed down

Two weeks later...

"What the hell is this?" Juice asked staring down at the folder Jax had just slid across the table to him. Jax had asked him to come into the chapel, and once Juice had walked into the room to see Chibs sitting at the table, he knew something was up. Opening the folder, he realized it was full of photographs. Shuffling through them, he noticed Josephine was in almost all of them, with Samuel, the man Josephine had introduced as an old friend. Over the past two months, he spent all his free time with Josephine and the twins. Josephine never once mentioned anyone outside of work other than CeCe and Anna. And here were photos of Samuel leaving her house at odd hours of the night.

"Where'd you get these?" Juice asked, finally pulling his eyes from the photos to look up at Jax and Chibs.

"Tara mentioned it a few weeks ago, that she noticed Jo was talking to this guy. And it was a few days in a row that this guy came to the hospital specifically looking to talk to Jo," Jax explained, motioning toward the pictures.

"So, you're trying to tell me my old lady is cheating?" Juice scoffed, while his thoughts were on overdrive.

"Juicy boy, she's not jus cheatin'," Chibs sighed, running a hand over his face as Jax slid another folder over to Juice.

"He's a fed," Jax said as Juice opened the folder to see the agent's information laid out infront of him. Scanning it, he tried to absorb all of it.

Samuel Vaugh


Age: 33

Northeastern University - Criminal Justice Class of 1998

But I thought they were in college together? Juice thought to himself as he skimmed the information. 

"Pretty coincidental that three weeks after she came to Charming, her car breaks down and she brings it to TM," Jax continued as Juice turned his attention back to the photos, "Now after getting close to the club, suddenly an ATF agent is in town and seen leaving her house?"

"No fuckin' way," Juice muttered.

"Aye, Juicy, I agree with Jax." Juice's eyes shot to the Scott, shaking his head vigorously.

"No, there's no fuckin' way. Jo wouldn't do that to me, or the club." Jax and Chibs shared a glance before Jax reached for his cigarettes.

"I'm only coming to you now, because you need to look into this, Juice," Jax said before lighting up a cigarette. "We need to know what's going on before it gets brought to the table."

"To the....To the table?" Juice stuttered before scoffing, "This isn't a club matter Jax. This is my old lady." Taking a drag of his smoke, Jax nodded. Exhaling, he sighed, "Which is why, you need to deal with this. Before it becomes a problem for the club." All Juice could offer was a nod before Jax stood up and walked out of the room. Juice shuffled through the photos, running a hand over his mohawk. A picture of Josephine standing at the triage desk in the ER, the guy leaning against it. Both of them were laughing. Another photo of Josephine hugging him at the door as Samuel was leaving. Shaking his head, he slammed the folder shut.

"Juice..." He had forgotten Chibs was even in the room until he spoke.

"Chibs, Jo wouldn't do that. She doesn't even know anything about the-" Chibs held up his hand, stopping Juice mid-sentence.

"She seemed like an alright lass, but you need to talk to her." With that, Chibs stood and left Chapel leaving Juice to mull things over.

Juice chose to stay at the clubhouse that night. He couldn't bring himself to go to Josephine's, despite all the missed calls. Normally, he would text her if he wasn't coming over but couldn't bring himself to pick up the phone. 

Instead, he spent the next morning on his computer, looking more into Josephine. All that popped up was her California nursing license and driver's license. Her nursing degree seemed to be from Colorado, but despite hacking into the college's database, he couldn't find any record of her transcript. He was fuming at the computer when his dorm room door opened.

"Hey man," Jax said from the doorway, "You ok?"

"I don't know," Juice admitted finally pulling his eyes away from the computer. "I can't find anything on her before she came to Charming. It just doesn't make sense."

"She's up to something with that Fed, man. We need to know what it is."

"But why would she put the twins at risk?" Juice sighed, running a hand over his face. "It just doesn't add up!" He slammed the laptop shut before letting out a sigh.

"We need to bring it to the table," Jax said quietly as he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him.

"No, absolutely not," Juice began shaking his head, "After what happened to Donna? I'm not gonna have that blood on my hands."

"Then we go talk to her. With the proof. Get her to talk," Jax suggested. "Get Opie and Tig to deal with the Fed."

"Jax, Jo wouldn't do this."

"How well do you know her? Really know her?" Jax's words caused Juice to pause, planting a seed of doubt in his mind.

"Think about it, I need an answer by the morning." Juice nodded and the VP left his room, closing the door behind him. Juice opened up his laptop again and typed in another website.


Meanwhile, Chibs pulled Jax aside near the bar. He glanced around the club before lowering his voice, "Ya think Juice will be able to deal with this." Jax sighed, shaking his head.

"He's too involved. We're gonna have to either bring it to the table or go talk to Jo ourselves."

"Ya really think this will go over well if we bring it ta the table?" Chibs asked, grabbed a beer off the bar and taking a swig.

"Either way, it's gonna cause problems for the club. I'll have Opie sit on the Fed. Let's go talk to Jo." Jax grabbed his backpack and tossed it on, before heading out of the club, Chibs only a few steps behind. Reaching his bike, Jax sat on it pulling out his phone. Quickly typing a number, he pressed a phone to his ear. After a few rings, Opie answered.


"Hey man, need you to sit on someone," Jax said, watching as Chibs sat on his motorcycle.

"Who?" Opie asked on the other end of the line.

"A Fed that came in town."

"You gonna tell me why?"

"I will later. Just watch where he goes and keep me updated," Jax stated, "I'll send you the details." Ending the call, he quickly typed in all the information Opie needed and sent the text.

"Ya really wanna do this Jacky-boy?" Chibs asked as he put on his helmet. Jax just shrugged before throwing his helmet on and starting up his bike.

"Don't think we got a choice," Jax muttered to himself.


A/n: Short chapter. Sorry! Been super busy with my next semester of nursing school! But the next two chapters should be up within the next week! 

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