The Silence

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Juice sat at the bar dumbfounded, staring at his phone after the line went dead. A tidal wave of emotions hit him all at once, yet he couldn't pin point exactly which one was winning the war in his head and heart.

"What the fuck?" was all that he managed to mutter. Anger swept through him as he contemplated smashing the phone on the bar. Before he could act on the emotion, panic and heart break hit him. He could feel it deep in his chest.

They were fine. Before Jax had come to him with that god damn envelope, they were more than fine. Just two weeks ago, they were saying 'I love you' to each other and he was considering taking Josephine up on her offer to move more of his stuff into her house, seeing as he spent every waking moment there.

That was, until the club had to once get involved with a member's personal life. He knew it was going to happen at one point or another. He had watched hell break loose in the past when Donna was gunned down due to a stupid mistake. Opie's whole life had shattered and yet all the club could say was, "Oops our bad." He didn't understand it, how Jax could go from giving him the information to him for him to look into, then going behind his back and going to Josephine's house. As his mind went into overdrive, he felt the anger build back up in his chest.


'The exact person who always leads these stupid witch hunts,' Juice thought to himself as he shoved his stuff in the bag and headed out of the club. He knew where his feet were leading him, but he had no idea what he was going to say to her when he got there.

Just as he walked out the door, he spotted Jax backing his bike back up into his spot, Chibs only a couple of spots away doing the same. Throwing his bag to the ground, his feet moved faster as he charged towards the Vice President.

"What the fuck, Jax?" he yelled once he got close enough. Jax just smirked as he took off his helmet.

"Thought I'd talk to her myself. How'd you know?" Juice scoffed in response as Chibs wearily approached the two.

"Like you don't fucking know." The smirk fell off of Jax's face as he stood up from his bike.

"She call you man? What'd story she give you?"

"Story?" Juice couldn't help but roll his eyes. He felt Chibs place a hand on his shoulder as a warning. Without hesitation, Juice shrugged it off, stepping to be nose to nose with Jax. "She had no fucking story. She ended it." After the words tumbled out of his mouth, Jax's face changed to one of surprise.

"Wait, what?" Jax asked, glancing over Juice's shoulder at Chibs, who was wearing an identical expression.

"Oh don't act like that wasn't your fuckin' plan, man," Juice retorted, "Always fucking with people's lives. Isn't that your thing."

"Jax, Jo wouldn't have ended things if she was just hear for intel on the club," Chibs lowered his voice, glancing around to make sure no one else was in earshot. Jax nodded in agreement before turning back to Juice who had stumbled back to look between to his two brothers.

"What the fuck is going on?" Juice asked, his eyes darting back and forth.

"It means Jo was telling the truth," Jax sighed, a small sense of relief washing over him. "Wanted to feel it out for myself. Didn't want her trying to throw one over on you by letting you get your dick wet. Thought it would be best if I talked to her first, try to get a sense of where she was really at." There was an moment of silence, before Juice saw red. His fist quickly connected with Jax's face, causing Jax to stumble back into his bike.

"What the fuck?" Jax asked, rubbing his cheek. Without hesitating, Juice turned to pick up his bag and threw it on before getting to his bike. After throwing his helmet on, he quickly started his bike and peeled out of the Teller-Morrow parking lot. He needed answers and he wasn't letting her slip away this easily.

Josephine paced. Something she absolutely hated doing. But she couldn't help it as her breathing became more rapid.

'They fucking knew,' she thought to herself as she reached for her phone. She had thrown it after hanging up on Juice. Holding it in her hand, she cursed at herself as she realized the one person she would immediately call she couldn't. Not anymore. Sighing, she flipped open her phone before scrolling down the short list of names. Finally landing on the person's name, she hit send and pressed the phone to her ear. After two rings, the call went to voicemail and her stomach dropped. She barely listened before the beep caused her to snap out of it.

"Hey, I know I'm not supposed to be calling you. But I think...I think they figured it out," she sighed, "Call me." Shutting the phone, she collapsed on the couch as the tears began to fall.

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