I Guess I'm in Love

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And darling, this is more than anything I felt before

You're everything that I want, but didn't think I'd find

Someone who is worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak

But I know now I found the one I love

Josephine stood at the kitchen counter, rubbing her temples while waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. Hearing footsteps coming towards the kitchen, she groaned quietly.

"How could you let me drink that much?" A light chuckle was the response she received as Juice wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"Hey, I tried," he smirked before pressing a quick kiss to her shoulder just as the coffee pot beeped. Josephine let out another painful groan at the sound, causing Juice to laugh again.

"Go lay on the couch. I'll grab your coffee," he said, pulling away from her. He watched her shuffle to the living room before turning around to grab a cup out of the cabinet. Once he had Josephine's coffee ready, he walked into the living room to see Josephine curled up on the couch with her blanket wrapped around her. Her head was resting on the arm rest of the couch, eyes closed.

"Here ya go babe," Juice whispered, holding out the coffee cup.

"Uh I love you, you're the best," Josephine muttered, taking the cup out of his hand. Juice immediately froze. They hadn't said the "L" word before. Josephine took a sip of the coffee and realized Juice was still.

"You ok?" Juice immediately snapped out of it, and plopped down on the couch next to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine babe," he whispered, pulling her to lean against his chest. "You mean it?"

"Mean what?" Josephine asked, taking another sip of her coffee.

"You love me?" he murmured into her hair. Josephine felt her face get hot as she sat up to turn and look at him.

"Yeah, I do." Juice immediately leaned in to kiss her deeply before pulling back.

"Love you too."


Two weeks later, Juice walked through the doors of St. Thomas. Josephine had picked up a day shift on the telemetry floor and he was being the nice boyfriend, bringing her a much needed coffee. As he stepped off the elevator, he immediately spotted Josephine standing at the nurses station. Walking closer, he noticed her talking to someone. The man was taller than Juice and muscular, with dark brown hair. Josephine didn't notice Juice until he wrapped his arm around her waist. Pressing a kiss to the side of her head, he grinned.

"Hey baby," he greeted, holding out the coffee to her. Josephine glanced at the other man, before turning her attention to Juice.

"Hey babe," she said with a smile, "I didn't know you were on your way here." She took the coffee from him, before turning back to the other guy.

"Samuel, meet my boyfriend Juan, but we call him Juice. Juice, this is Samuel. He's one of my friends from back in the day." Samuel extended his hand out to Juice, who begrudgingly shook it.

"Nice to meet you. Josie's told me a lot about you," Samuel said, shooting Josephine a smile.

"Funny, she never mentioned you," Juice chuckled, his arm tightening around Josephine's waist.

"Well I gotta run. Nice catching up with you, Josie. Nice to meet you Juice," Samuel nodded before turning to head to the elevator.

"So Josie, you never mentioned him before," Juice said turning to Josephine once Samuel was out of earshot.

"Oh, he's here visiting a family member. Just happened to bump into him and we caught up," Josephine said with a light shrug. Motioning to the cup in her hand, "Thank you for this. Can't remember the last time I worked a day shift."

"Oh, not a problem babe," Juice said, pulling her by the waist closer to him. He quickly dipped to catch her lips in a quick, deep kiss. Pulling away, Josephine smirked at him.

"Well, thank you again, but I need to get back to work. I'll see you at home?" she asked, smirking.

"Eh, probably not tonight. Got some club business going on. But I'll be by in the morning," Juice explained, dropping his arm from her waist to lean against the nurse's station. Josephine fought to roll her eyes. Though she knew some of the stuff the club dealt with, the other information she didn't want to know.

"Ok, thank you again for the coffee. Text me?"

"Absolutely. Text me when you get home safe with the twins, I love you," Juice said, giving her a quick kiss, "I'll see you later."

"Love you too. Bye babe." With that, Josephine headed back behind the nurses station to her computer, while Juice headed towards the elevator.

Stepping outside of the hospital, he noticed Samuel smoking a cigarette while scrolling through this phone. Juice walked over to him, pulling a cigarette out of his kutte.

"Hey, Samuel right?" Juice asked, lighting his cigarette up. Samuel nodded in reponse as he took a drag of his cigarette.

"So how do you know Jo?" Juice asked causually.

"Oh, we went to UCCS together," Samuel explained. "Same dorm."

"Oh, I thought she lived off campus?" Juice questioned, quirking an eyebrow. Samuel coughed lightly.

"She did. But freshmen year we were both on campus." Juice nodded as Samuel shoved his phone into his pocket.

"I gotta head out, but nice meeting you Juice," Samuel said with a nod before heading to the parking lot. Juice just waved lightly, his mind rushing through everything.

'Things aren't adding up,' he thought to himself as he finished his cigarette before heading to his bike. 


A/n: Short chapter, but this is leading up to the good stuff, I promise! 

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