37 5 18

Scarlett White

I leave the books that I won't use this weekend in my locker and head straight to the school exit. Today has been a pretty long day. Although Zach was a distraction from what happened this morning, I can't help but worry when I get home tonight. Actually, I'm lucky that my mom will be there when I arrive.

I feared what would have happened if I hadn't left home quickly.

Zach was talking to a group of friends who I guess are from the soccer team. I take the opportunity to say goodbye to him and head to work. I have about thirty minutes to get there, so my time is gold.

I return the smile when I see him give me one of his charming smiles as I approach him. He couldn't stop talking about what's happening tomorrow, I don't know why there's so much insistence for me to go see that band or whatever is happening at that club, but it had him pretty excited.

"See you tomorrow?" I say to my friend.

"Don't you think it's dangerous with this weather? Let me take you to the Coffee," Zach offers.

Well, in that case, he was right. The weather turned a bit cloudy since lunchtime, so I didn't miss the opportunity to say yes.


"I think it would be great if you joined me tomorrow," Zach persuades again.

"Fine, I'll go," I sigh, already tired of his insistence.

Better not let me down.

"Awesome! Thanks, Scar," he jumps towards me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I roll my eyes with a smile and say goodbye to him seconds later. As I enter the coffee, I automatically feel the warmth radiating and the strong smell of coffee. Today, I had to be at the front taking orders, so it was going to be a less stressful day.

I leave my things in my work locker. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and step out of the employee room to go to the cash register.

"How's my sweet creature?" My manager, an older woman named Melody, gives me a warm smile.

"Very well, Melody, and you?" I ask politely and start taking the order of the person in front of me.

"Oh, you know, dear, with lots of back spasms," Melody finally responds, laughing at herself. She's really sweet, and if it weren't for my mother who has known her when My mother was young , I wouldn't be working here. It's actually been a bonus to be able to work here because she loves my mother and me.

"It will be ready in about 5 minutes, you can wait here." I point to the customer as I see another person come in to place an order.

The coffee is quite busy, so it's going to be a busy day for me. Although there are no classes tomorrow, so I'll be able to work a bit more before going to the club with Zach. I'm sacrificing a Friday of painting just to please my friend.

Well, a different day won't be so bad, right?

I smile at the child who just ordered some muffins and make a note of a few things I need to buy for next week, taking advantage of having a notebook and pen nearby.

I need to buy paint and some new canvases for my art class. I'll dip into my savings even though I don't want to spend them, but I have to because next week my mom won't have a penny left since it will all be gone by the end of the weekend because of David.

I hear the bell ringing at the coffee entrance, and quickly set aside the list to take the order of the person who's coming to order. When my eyes turn to the customer, I see something... interesting.

A guy approaches the counter with his hair slightly damp from the rain that had fallen outside, his black vest is also wet. A drop slides down his face, reaching his jaw and down his neck.

I swallow as I stupidly look away, realizing what I was looking at. He'll think I'm a creep, staring at him in a creepy way.

But I couldn't deny how attractive he was.

"Can I help you?" I ask politely, feeling my breath quicken at the sound of such a deep voice.

Okay, he's attractive and has a deep voice, what else does he have?

"Just a black coffee, with sugar," he casually responds, and my eyes lock onto those green eyes, so green that I could get lost in them.

What the hell am I saying?

"Noted, so what's your name then?" I ask the mysterious guy.

"Harry." Okay, this is too much, even his name is too good.

"Alright," I respond politely and quickly take it as a sign to prepare his coffee.

I hand the girl named Ellie her  muffins, smile, and see her eyes light up with satisfaction as she happily walks away with her muffins.

"That guy is really fine, we don't see that here every day," Tracy mentions beside me, and I nod in complete agreement.

His coffee is ready and hot, and I call out his name, feeling a sense of satisfaction in saying his name. I quickly go to the cash register so Tracy can do her part since she covered for me when I went to give Harry his coffee.


I had even memorized his name, but who am I kidding? Who wouldn't take the time to learn the name of someone as handsome as him? Besides, I'm sure I'll never see him again.

I'll forget about him anyway in a few days.


It's time to finish my shift, and I head to the employee room to grab my things. As I had expressed, it was a great day for me. Although tomorrow I'll have to be a waitress at least, which will be better because I can earn some extra tips.

"Have a good night, everyone!" I say goodbye to my cowokers and leave the workplace.

They all respond a few seconds later, and then I head home with a queasy stomach.

To be honest, I still can't get out of my head how David almost hit me this morning. Now, how can I feel safe in that house? It was never safe after my mom let a drug addict in. I just hope this doesn't happen again.

I don't want to feel powerless again.

I took the shortest route, I should have taken the bus, but I preferred to walk to clear my mind and mentally prepare myself because I don't know what I'll encounter once I enter that house.


Chapter two!!

How much do they give to my English?  please be honest.  although I did use a translator a bit lmao

Chao - Bloom

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