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Scarlett White

I arrived home after my shift in the last week of direct classes, heading straight to the shower to get ready and go to tonight's party.

I ended up going to this silly party.

Well, this time Zach didn't even insist. I wanted to go by myself. Last week wasn't bad, so why not go to this party and spend time with my best friend and Tracy?

After showering, I looked for clothes to wear, not really having planned what to put on, though at least I had several options.

I had to hurry because Zach's game had ended, and I couldn't go because of my shift at the Coffee. I've gone a few times, but I wanted to do today's shift.

I found a tight red blouse that reached my waist, accentuating it more, and wore wide blue pants up to the hips, pairing the outfit with black Converse sneakers.

I opted for something simple and comfortable for tonight, put on all the accessories, and started to apply eyeliner to my eyes. When I finished my makeup, I grabbed my purse and left my room to go downstairs.

I went straight to the fridge to get a bottle of water when I found my mom eating an apple at the dining table.

"Hi, Mom," I greeted as I sat with her, keeping her company until Zach came to pick me up.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked as her eyes moved to see what I was wearing.

"I'm going to a school party, Zach invited me." It wasn't a lie, he had invited me.

"You? To a party? I never thought you'd go out partying again," my mom responded, her voice noticeably surprised.

"Yeah, well, it's my last year. I should enjoy it to the fullest," I shrugged.

After finishing my bottle of water, I was really thirsty. I stood up to throw it away, and as I was about to toss the bottle, I saw some torn pieces of paper, realizing it was a letter torn in half.

I frowned and, being curious, carefully picked up the half of the letter that was torn and looked for the name of the sender. It didn't seem like bill letters, but rather a letter someone had sent.

"Dave White, for my daughter Scarlett White."

My heartbeats sounded loud in my ears as I read the torn letter.

My father had sent this?

With trembling hands, I held the piece of paper and turned to see my mom, still sitting where she was, now looking at me. Her eyes traveled to my hand and automatically stopped eating the apple.

She had torn the damn letter.

Her worried eyes reflected what made me want to cry because I knew she was the one who had torn it. In a way, I know my father left us after I was born, but this didn't justify her tearing up something I had the right to read, what it had to say about leaving us, or well, what I assume the letter said.

"Mom, what the hell is this?" My voice trembled noticeably, trying to calm down and not start yelling at her for an explanation.

"Honey... I can explain," my mother stood up from her seat, looking at me with guilt on her face.

"Why did you do it?" My voice came out soft as I still tried to calm my breathing.

"I did it for you, I didn't want you to get hurt reading that letter, honey listen to me, I only did it for you-" I interrupted her, my voice now less soft.

"No. This letter was mine, I should have been the one to read it, not you. Even if there's no damn justification for him leaving us. I still have the right to know what was in this letter. Don't you see that this man is reaching out for the first time to know something about me?" I spat out.

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