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Song - Daddy's issues by The nbhd

" You ask me what I'm thinking about,
I tell you that I'm thinking about "

Scarlett White

"I'm here, standing in front of my house, thinking whether to go in or come back later, but what would I be doing outside at this time of night? I'm hesitating between going to Zach's house or a friend's. I have to face this, I don't think it should be that bad, right?

A sigh escapes my lips and I gather the courage to open the door. The warm light from the living room makes my entrance into the house more than evident. My hands sweat around the house keys I have with me.

"You're here, sweetheart." My mom is the first to greet me.

I don't know why I'm so nervous, I take another shaky sigh from my lips and approach my mom to receive her kiss on my cheek. I smile slightly and walk towards the stairs in search of my room and lock myself in there until tomorrow, it's the only thing I can do after all.

"Are you hungry? I'll cook something for dinner," my mom asks as she goes up the stairs.

"No thanks, I ate at work," I quickly respond so I can go to my room without running into my idiot stepfather.

3 more seconds and I'll be in my room safe and sound.

"It doesn't matter, although it comforts me that my mom is here at home, it doesn't make me nervous about David. He's a psychotic piece of shit and fucking crazy.

''You're going to have dinner with your mother.'' My breath catches in my throat when I hear the voice of the monster I didn't want to see, and much less hear it.

I look at David near the door of my room, making it even harder to get out of this mess. His eyes were bloodshot, looking at me with that disdain on his face before me.

I may love my mom, but I will never forgive her for having to live my life more miserably for having this man in my life.

''I'm not hungry,''I reply dryly, my steps automatically slow down to keep a decent enough distance without wanting to be near him.

David laughs bitterly and walks towards me, which makes me panic, not knowing what his next move will be.

'Well, then swallow it, doll,' his voice echoes down the hallway, scaring me."

I feel so powerless in front of him.

I hate feeling this way.

Sometimes I tend to be stupid like this morning, I lose my temper and say things that would be better left unsaid. But I can't help it, living this nightmare for years has worn my patience even thinner. But thanks to opening my damn mouth, I feel like a damn mouse in front of the this bastard.

I should have come later.

I let out a sigh from my lips and respond with a "fine," knowing it wasn't wise to confront him since this time I didn't have a chance to escape from him.

The word "doll" coming from his disgusting voice also makes me feel like a damn object, which I also hate. Who does he think he is to call me by such a nickname? Ever since I can remember, he always disturbed me.

Just his presence disturbed me.

I approach my door and open it, the feeling of the handle in my sweaty hand as I slide it to the side. I look one last time at David with that creepy little smile crossing his face with those damn yellow teeth.

What the hell, mom? You still kiss him?

As I said, love is blind.

A sigh escapes my body when I'm in my room. My back pressed against the door looking at my completely tidy room.

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