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" Baby Came Home " By The Neighbourhood

Scarlett White

It didn't take long for Zach's car to make noise.when I came down the stairs a few minutes ago, I made sure the house was securely locked up.

I went down the entrance steps and ran towards Zach's car, it was quite cold.

"Hey, Star," Zach greets and takes the wheel to drive.

I greet him as I buckle up and look forward. I don't know how to randomly tell him that a friend is also joining our plan for tonight. I take a deep breath and tell him.

"Hey, I invited a friend to our club night, hope you don't mind, her name is Tracy, she works at the Coffee," I say, each word coming out correctly from my lips.

"Oh, that's great, more audience for the new band, though you've never mentioned her before," Zach responds calmly with one hand on the wheel and the other searching for music on his radio.

"Yeah, we're actually just work friends, but she was interested in going so I said yes," I briefly reply.

"That's fine," My eyes go to Zach as he has a smile plastered on his face.

Silence reigns while on the road, and I let myself be carried away by the landscape as we head to our destination, I really love Portland, but sometimes I wish to travel the world, like going to London, Paris, also Spain. How I'd love to go to Spain.

"So... is she pretty?" Zach asks, his question doesn't surprise me at all.

"God Zach, does it really matter if she is?" I roll my eyes, it's always annoying when he asks that, in my opinion, she is really pretty. And it also bothers me because I know he wants to know if he might have a fuck her.

"Of course, it does, you know it does for me," He replies arrogantly.

"Just wait and see for yourself," I respond back.

I relax in the seat, somehow my body was tense, I rest my head against the glass and just limit myself to observing the landscape.


After spending 10 minutes looking for a decent parking spot, we got out of the car. It seems there are many people wanting to see this new band. What does this band have that makes this club so dramatically full? Or is it usually always this packed?

"We better hurry our steps to get a good view of today's show," Zach says, grabbing my hand so I don't get lost in the crowd of people on the street trying to get into the club.

But before we could even enter, I see the blonde who had been with her a few hours back and call her name so she can see me. When her eyes land on me, she starts running in our direction.

"Hey!" I say to Tracy, and she briefly responds.

"This place is really crowded," Tracy says, her smile not leaving her face.

"Yeah, I never really thought it would be this-" Zach interrupts our conversation to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Zach, Scarlett's friend." I watch as Zach's smile is directed at her while he speaks in that charming tone. I roll my eyes with a smile on my lips.

That was the reason I didn't want to tell him whether she was pretty or not.

Clearly, she is, and she's his type.

Tracy introduces herself in a few seconds, and I have to intervene before they start a conversation because we really need to get inside before we miss the show.

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