16 5 38

Scarlett White

"We're here, miss." The taxi driver murmurs, awakening my eyes. Indeed, I hadn't even realized that I had fallen asleep during the ride.

Now coming to my senses, I realize I had fallen asleep with a stranger guiding me to wherever he wished, and not to my house. But it turned out he was a good citizen when I see he left me right in front of my house, which is a relief to me.

I was very irresponsible for falling asleep; anything could have happened.

I hand him the corresponding money and thank him before getting out of the car. I sigh and take the steps to enter. I search for my keys in my bag as I walk toward the door.

I open the door and enter, seeing that the house is intact. The lights were off, and apparently, there was no one home, which was a relief. I felt happy inside just thinking about going to bed. The place where I need to be the most right now.

But first, without analyzing this crazy night, even though it was fun. Being able to talk with Harry added to this strange but fun night for me. But I won't deny that I was quite nervous with him. He made me feel so small.

God, but it was so good.

I don't think I will ever forget it after today, especially because he was the center of attention tonight. I could already imagine what would have happened if the blond guy hadn't interrupted us with his scream.

"Not so fast, doll." A gasp escapes my lips as I look in the direction of a chilling voice I did not want to hear, especially not tonight.

"D-David? What are you doing?" I frown at the black shadow, sitting on the Armchair, his two arms, his lap, while I feel eye contact even though everything is dark.

It doesn't take him a second to turn on the lamp that was next to him, showing the whole room, even me. His eyes scan my body, examining everything I'm wearing from head to toe, which makes my stomach churn nervously. Why is he looking at me in such a creepy way?

I think it's time to escape from here, right?

This does not sit well with me.

"What are you doing like a fucking whore at this time of night? Do you think you can be here, change you're clothes, and go like a fucking whore out into the street?"  David spits out his voice clearly drunk and high.

But he makes me nervous, something about what's going on feels like a weird vibe here and I don't like it.

"I went out with a friend, and with Zach" I spoke honestly to him even though he didn't deserve it because he's not a fucking father who I have to tell where he was.

"Well, so what? They had a fucking threesome? What kind of dirty bitch are you?"  This time David gets up from his seat, which causes my feet to start moving backwards.

This must be a nightmare, right?

How can he talk to me like that?  How dare you even accuse me of something that is not true?  This did make me angry, which may make me see red at his damn words.

"I just went to have fun with my friends, that's not your business to know," I reply dryly as I try to get closer to the door if something were to happen and be able to get out of here and call Zach.

"We'll see what your mom says about this, being as fucking late as if you were a whore coming out of a brothel," David spits.

It was only fucking 12 at night, besides, why does he care?

"And we'll see what my mom says in the way you talk to me, asshole."  I speak under my breath, moving further away from him.

"Oh yeah?"  He catches me off guard when he grabs my arm tightly and his bloodshot eyes glare at me.

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