28 4 44

Scarlett White


"What the hell, Harry? Is that why you never came back to the party?" Niall asks Harry.

"What? I couldn't leave her, she was fucking drunk," he blurts out.

"And since when are you like this? Now you're her guardian dog?" Niall mocks, crossing his arms.

"We can't leave her here, she will be in danger in this house you know what Bryce is like" Harry mentions to Niall

It had been a few hours since Scarlett fell asleep in the guest room bed. Harry had stayed with her until she fell asleep.

The two of them looked at the still sleeping girl and thought about how to plan to get her back home. They could have easily gone about their business without worrying about the girl, but something in Harry stopped him.

Not knowing the girl very well, Harry had found in her a lot of curiosity about how she reacted every time he approached her or if she wanted to exchange a word in any way he found it fun to scare her or just make her blush.

Which seemed strange to him.

"Alright, this is what we'll do," Harry replied turning to Niall.

"What?" Niall asks, frowning.

"You or Louis, either of you, have to take her home," Harry responds firmly.

"Why Louis? I think he'll have to do it anyway." He shrugs.

"And why not you?" Harry now asks.

"Friend, I have a job that's the same as yours. Zayn wants to see us in the afternoon, you know," Niall replies.

"Yeah, whatever." Harry rolls his eyes and stops looking at the sleeping girl in the bed.

The two leave the room and Harry gets ready to go to the place he had to go early in the morning while Niall looks for Louis to convince him to take Scarlett home.


My eyes slowly open to a distant sound that's bothering my ears. I glance around, my stomach churning when I realize I didn't wake up in my room.

I jump out of bed, pushing my hair out of my face and scanning the room. I hadn't returned home, let alone left Bryce's house.

This must be a nightmare.

I grab my bag, slip on my Converse, ready to vanish from this place without a trace, but there's someone showering. I've never felt so embarrassed and uncomfortable.

I'm on my way to silently leave the room without making any noise. I don't even know Bryce that well, so falling asleep at his house made it quite awkward.

I quietly descend the stairs, my teeth biting my lower lip from the growing stress of leaving this unfamiliar house.

"Come on, Louis, it's nothing serious," a guy's voice is heard, making me stop instantly.


"Yeah, well, then why the hell don't you do it? Besides, why the hell does Harry care so much about that girl?" Louis responds, making me widen my eyes as he mentions me, or so I think.

"What the hell do I know?" the guy replies.

I inch a bit closer to where they are without them noticing. They'd definitely see me leaving the house.

What are they arguing about?

"Just take her damn home, Niall. I'm out," Louis responds, now leaving the kitchen and exiting our area where Niall and I now are.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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