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Neriah and Isaac were peacefully sleeping in their bed, considering that's what anyone would be doing in the middle of the night. A few minutes ago, Neriah's phone rang, but neither of the pair could hear it due to it being on silent, leaving them to sleep.

But down the hall, in Scott's room, his phone rang just after hers and thankfully the werewolf woke up, seeing it was Stiles.

With furrowed brows and a hint of worry, he answered the phone. "Hey, man, what's up?" he asked, only for Stiles to stay quiet while nervously breathing. "Stiles? You there?"

"Scott?" Stiles whispered with fear.

"Hey, I'm here," Scott said, throwing the blanket off his body and sitting up in bed. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"Scott, I don't—I don't know where I am. I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleepwalking."

"Okay, um, can you see anything? Just tell me what you see."

"Ah, it's dark. It's hard to see. I think there's something wrong with my..." the line disconnected.

Scott pulled his phone away from his ear to see the call had ended. Within seconds he was out of bed, trying to call him back, only to get the boy's voicemail.

The phone rang again with Stiles' contact and Scott answered it straight away. "Stiles?"

"Scott, I don't think I can get out of here. I can't move."

"Where are you?" Scott asked with a broken voice.

"I don't know. I don't know, it's too dark. I can't see much and something's wrong with my leg. It's stuck on something. And it's...I think it's bleeding."

"How bad? Stiles, how bad is it?" Scott frantically asked and the boy went quiet again. "Stiles, are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Ah, there's some kind of smell down here. Something smells terrible," Stiles cried. "It's brutal. My eyes are watering."

"Okay, listen. I'm calling your dad."

"No, no, no, no, don't," Stiles quickly rushed out.

"But your dad—"

"Don't. Just please don't call him. Promise me you won't. He already worries about me too much. Scott, please."

"But what if I can't find you?" Scott started pacing in his room. "Stiles, I can't make a promise like that."

"No, no, no, just please," Stiles sniffled. "Please, don't call him. Come find me. You and Riah can do it. He doesn't have to know. Scott, you can find me."

Scott pulled the phone away from his ear for a second. "Riah!" he shouted before putting his phone back to his ear. "I don't know if I can do this."

Stiles sniffled again into the phone. "Oh, I gotta call you back. I have to turn the phone off."

"What? No, hey, wait—"

"I'm gonna call you right back." Then the phone disconnected.

Scott pulled the phone away from his ear in a set of panic, running over to his closet. "Neriah! Isaac, get up!"

In the room down the hall, Neriah flew her eyes open at the panic in Scott's tone, and then the strong scent of fear filled her nose. Isaac had awoken too, the both of them hearing Scott shout for them. Neriah was out of bed, tripping over her shoes but managing to catch herself on the door handle as she threw the door open with Isaac behind her. They sprinted down the hall and Neriah nearly took off Scott's door when she ran in, seeing him throw on a jacket.

Howling to the Heart || Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now