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The second the car pulled into the driveway, Scott was rushing out of his house after hearing what happened at the school and that Neriah was injured.

"Is she okay?" Scott asked with a panicked voice, opening the passenger door before she could even reach the handle. "How hurt are you? Is it healing yet?"

Neriah blinked a few times up at him, absolutely speechless by the words thrown at her.

"You're gonna put her in shock, mate," Ryker laughed, offering his hand out to Neriah.

"I need chicken nuggets," was all Neriah said as she took Ryker's hand, getting out with only a small amount of pain now that her wound was mostly healed.

"Yeah, she's fine," Isaac said with a chuckle, closing the car door for her. "She might get in a mood if she doesn't get chicken nuggets, but she's getting better."

"Are there chicken nuggets?" Neriah pushed, walking toward the house with help from Ryker and Isaac.

"Uh, no," Scott cringed, holding the front door open for her. "But there's something else waiting for you."

"A blood bag?" she questioned, wincing quietly at the few steps up to the front door.

They all stayed quiet, sharing a look that she didn't notice as she walked inside. But the second she stepped through the front door, her eyes landed on a pale Stiles whose lips parted in shock, and his eyes filled with dread when he noticed the blood-covered shirt. The last time they had seen each other, the real Stiles, was in the hospital and a lot had happened since then, so he was truly nervous.

Even the boys were nervous about her reaction, taking a collective step back, but ready to grab her if something went wrong.

"You're back," Neriah whispered with tears filling her eyes and a smile tugging on her lips.

Stiles blinked away his own tears, struggling to hide his smile. But then she advanced on him, wrapping her arms around his waist, holding back a groan. The boy froze for a minute, not expecting the sudden affection, but then he snapped out of his mind and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, tucking his head into her hair.

"I'm so sorry for everything," Stiles mumbled into her hair, holding her tighter, scared to let go.

"It wasn't your fault," she whispered, rubbing his back in a soothing manner. "None of this was your fault."

Scott grabbed the back of Ryker's and Isaac's shirts, pulling them away from the hugging pair and into the kitchen. Much to Isaac's dismay, he allowed Scott to pull him away.

"Are you healing now?" Stiles asked, still holding her close, afraid to let go.

Neriah nodded her head. "Thankfully, but I still think chicken nuggets would help speed up the process."

Stiles laughed for the first time in days, smiling into her hair. He never thought he would be able to smile again for a long time, but once again, Neriah had proved him wrong.

"Have you seen your dad yet?" Neriah asked as she pulled away to look up at him.

Stiles shook his head. "I wanted to wait for you to get back so the three of us could go."

Her eyes widened and she quickly dropped her arms. "Why didn't you say that before? Oh my God, we gotta go!"

Stiles cringed at her wincing as she made it for the stairs, only for Ryker and Isaac to rush out of the kitchen and over to her.

"You're gonna reopen your stitches," Ryker scolded her, grabbing her arm to help her take each step.

"Or do something worse," Isaac mumbled, keeping an eye on her shirt to make sure fresh blood didn't start showing up. "You gotta take it slow, Ria."

Howling to the Heart || Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now