★ | #02 | number

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★ | #02 | number"could i get your number?"

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★ | #02 | number
"could i get your number?"

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

see you again • tyler the creator ft. kali uchis
"cupid hit me, cupid hit me with precision."


STANDING before the girl, with a small smile at his lips, the boy opened his mouth to speak, his tone nice and friendly as his hands pressed against the edge of the counter top, leaning against it slightly.

"Hey, do you by any chance happen to have any car.. carnations in today?" He asked, head tilting off to the side as the girl let out a breathy chuckle at the butchered pronunciation of the flower, before nodding her head quietly.

"Ahh, carnations?" She hummed, her feet carrying her out from behind the counter, walking down a row of well kept flowers, before she paused in front of the ones she was looking at. She turned her head, meeting the gaze of the boy who followed her around lostly.

"Here we are." Seonmi spoke, gesturing down to the flowers with her hands before folding them neatly before her. The boy smiled, bowing his head politely and clasping his hands together.

"Thank you so much." He let out, looking down at the familiar flowers. "Could I get one bouquet of these, please?" He asked.

The girl nodded her head in approval, muttering out a quick and cheerful "Of course,", as her hands busied themselves with rearranging them.

Amidst the quiet, her gaze occasionally shifted towards him, noticing his seemingly awkward demeanor around her. So, she resorted to her few years of customer training, making small talk as she would usually do.

"Special occasion?" Seonmi spoke up, her voice soft as her gaze fixed on the flowers she handled delicately. The boy nodded his head, though she didn't see as her attention was focused elsewhere.

"Mm," He hummed, brushing his fingers through his brown hair. "It's my mom's birthday tomorrow. She used to have these in her garden when I was younger, but we moved and no longer have them." He explained briefly.

"I thought it'd be nice to give them to her after so long." He added on, as Seonmi let a small smile settle onto her pink lips, her hair falling over her shoulders.

"Awh, that's sweet." The girl murmured, finally turning to face him after assembling the bouquet prettily. "I'm sure she'll appreciate it a lot."

The boy smiled nervously, giving a gentle nod in response. He followed loosely behind her back to the register, his card already out in his hand as he prepared to make the purchase.

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