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★ | #04 | visit"i mean, they can wait

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"i mean, they can wait."

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

attention newjeans
"you're so fine. gotta, gotta get to know ya."


THE Choi girl sighed in relief as she stepped into the flower shop, the cool breeze from the air conditioner fanning against her skin and becoming a sense of relief from the humidity the summer season brought along with it.

Soft laughter filled her ears, of which she rolled her eyes at and muttered a string of curses underneath her breath. “Oh, shut up, man. It's really hot outside! Feels like I'm cooking.” She grumbled.

“I didn't even say anything!” Her older brother, Choi Soobin raised his hands in defense, shaking his head as he wandered out from behind the counter.

“You laughed.” Seonmi commented, adjusting her hair which was put up into a claw clip.

“Sorry for having emotions?” Soobin snickered, earning a jab in the stomach from his sister, who grimaced and rolled her eyes yet again.

“Watch it, Choi Soobin. I could just walk out right now if I really wanted to, you know. I don't have to cover your shift.” Seonmi pointed out, clicking her tongue.

“But you are going to, because you love me.” Soobin teased, hand raising to rest on top of her head, patting it lightly only for her to swat his hand away with a grumble.

“Okay, don't get too ahead of yourself.” The girl huffed out jokingly, to which he shook his head.

“Oh, shush. You know you couldn't live without me.” The boy murmured, grumbling quietly as he fished his phone out of the pockets of his baggy jean shorts.

“I have to go, or I'll be late and they'll all kill me.” He pointed out, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

“Mhm, go. But just know that you owe me. Again.” Seonmi sighed out, taking her position behind the counter as she seated herself on a stool, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

Soobin hummed, giving her a thumbs up before he slowly made his way towards the glass door, pushing it behind. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” He nodded, a small laugh falling from his lips.

“Thank you, Seonmi.” Soobin called out, waving her goodbye before exiting the shop.

The girl snickered, mimicking his words quietly to herself as she peered down at her phone, a sigh falling from her lips.

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